Chapter Twenty-Five: Win

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Asher Adair

Two weeks later

"Housewarming parties usually take place right after you purchase the place!" Carter wailed as he walked through the entryway. "I feel like this was a ploy to get free shit. And you know what? I'm on board."

Alastair walked behind him, rolling his eyes as he carried a wrapped present in his hand. "Don't let him fool you. He dragged me with him while he shopped for six hours to find you two something. My feet still hurt, and we did this four days ago."

Ace chuckled as he was next to enter. "Cade ordered something online like someone from this century. I just sat beside him while he went over options. I got the good end of the deal."

Cade carefully set the gift on the counter. "I still spend a considerable amount of time choosing the right present."

Liam was next to enter, with Lily beside him. "Lily Pad bought your gift when you two started dating. We knew where this was going. I even helped."

Lily snorted as she set the gift on the counter. "By help, he means he asked me about a million times if I was done so we could have sex."

Megan wiped her hands on her apron. "I, too, picked out a gift when they started dating. I even helped with the heart sign Asher gifted to Cameron. I think I win above all of you."

Alora, Megan's sister and my best friend bit off a cookie. "I signed Megan's card." 

Mia barked out a laugh as she poked at the present already on the counter. "I actually put in effort. Blood and Ash over there is going to love this, and I know Cameron will, too."

Cameron sighed roughly. "Okay, no opening Mia's gift until later!" He clapped his hands. "Megan made us an amazing meal." He looked at Carter. "You also said you had something you would like to discuss?"

Carter smiled sweetly. "Other than all the blood you got on my rug? Yes, I actually do. But why don't we sit down to eat first, yeah?"

I chuckled. I was a little worried about seeing everyone in one room, seeing as I knew it would be chaos, and I wasn't wrong. But the smile on Cameron's face told me all I needed to know. He was happy that everyone was here. After what he endured two weeks ago, I couldn't blame him. He was all over the news, and not only that, did no one told Carter what Alastair had done. It wasn't needed--but the way Alastair was described to me when he found Cameron that day--I imagined it might have been for the best.

Alastair was protecting Cameron, but I also knew that Alastair and Cameron keeping that tidbit of information from Carter while all of this was happening was needed. Carter and Cade stretched themselves thin to be around for Cameron. If Carter knew right now, he would have worried that law enforcement would be at their doorstep.

But it was Alastair's house James broke into; he wouldn't have been in any trouble. But I knew it was better to be safe rather than be sorry later. Alastair had two aggravated assault charges, and who knew how they could spin that story to make him look like the bad guy. Our system was flawed, and Cameron told me he and Alastair would tell Carter once James was in prison for good.

As for Cameron, we decided on couples therapy on top of our individual sessions. We chose a different therapist apart from our usual provider and started last week. We had a long road, but we were doing much better. Healing together and apart was essential, and it was best to do that under the watchful eye of people who were certified to help.

Everyone sat down, and all eyes went to Carter as he folded his napkin in his lap. When he looked up, he rolled his eyes. "What?! I was going to wait until later. I'm not trying to make this all about me!"

Cameron sighed. "Out with it, Little Brother. I know you're busting at the seams, and let's be honest, I've lived here for three weeks. It's simply a dinner with presents. So, what did you want to tell everyone?"

Carter looked at Alastair. "We...set a date for our wedding."

Cade gaped at Carter. "What?! When? Tell me when. I want to help you plan it."

"Calm down over there, you can help." He chuckled. "December 24th."

Cade blinked. Processed. "Of this year?"

"Yes, of this year." He cleared his throat. "I know it's only nine months away, but I want to be married near Christmas. It's important to me."

"Ace and I were talking about getting married on Christmas!" Cade gasped. "We hadn't set the date just yet, but we were heavily thinking about it for this year!"

Then the triplets were going after each other about wedding dates, how they could make it work, and that it was perfect. Alastair, Ace, and I shared a look of exhaustion wrapped up with a smile. While Cameron and I weren't worried about a ceremony until after he graduated from college again, it was still nice to see him excited to help his brothers with theirs.

They ended up concluding that they would have lunch this week and talk about plans. It appeared we were going to be attending back-to-back weddings, and somehow, that made the most sense when it came to the triplets. They loved Christmas, and to marry the loves of their lives on the holiday made the most sense.

I looked around the table as everyone ate the food Megan made. There was so much laughing. So many jokes being told. So much happiness. Even though I lost my parents a long while ago, I knew it was possible to find family, even if they weren't blood, and I found mine. 

I looked at Cameron as he pointed at Cade with a breadstick, saying something about not skimping on the alcohol at his wedding. He wore a smile that matched his eyes. He was the happiest he'd ever been since everything happened. And I was lucky enough to be married to him through thick and thin.

Living together came naturally. 

Cameron was currently working with Carter, who was launching his brand next week and would continue to do so until he started classes in the fall. He was excited to help survivors of abuse, assault, and otherwise. He wanted to be a voice for those who lost theirs, and I was so unbelievably proud of him. He was taking his life back, and he wasn't going to let anyone get in the way of his path. If they did, he would shove them away and move forward.

Cameron won, and he would always continue to win.


Cameron yawned as he walked into our bedroom, dressed for sleep. "Two weddings, one after another. Who knew? I should have."

I patted the spot on his side of the bed. "Come get some rest; you've had a long day."

He immediately obliged, climbing next to me and wrapping around me like a vine to a tree as I kissed the top of his head. "It's so nice to be home."

"You've been home all day."

"No." He pushed the side of his face against my shoulder. "This, right here, is home. Now, we get to start making all sorts of new traditions. Even ones for Christmas. Though, we will have to find time to do what during all the wedding chaos."

I set my chin on top of his head and hugged him closer to me. "I'm sure we will find some. There is nothing like listening to your brothers turn into groomzillas. Maybe we can have them reenact it every year--it would surely be entertaining."

"Mm, or we can sneak away and make our own while they are busy being groomzillas."

I chuckled. "Or that." I pressed another kiss on top of his head. "I wrote back in the notebook and left it for you to find in the morning. Don't even try to get it now. You can have it tomorrow. I wanted to complete another tradition and lay it to rest, too. But we're keeping the notebook."

"You wrote back?"

"I did, Sunflower."

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