Chapter Nineteen: Bail

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Cameron Windsor

"I do need to get some work done eventually. Stop flicking paper footballs on my desk."

I lined up another one, flicked it, and watched it land in his empty coffee cup. "Ah, don't hate the player, hate the game." I grabbed the stack of paper in my lap and tossed it on the floor next to the chair. "I want to be out, doing something with my life. My business degree is useful if I want to be bored for the rest of eternity."

Asher chuckled. "You did minor in Psychology. What about doing something with that?"

"Do I look like someone who should be helping other humans? I mean, yeah, clearly I wanted it as a backup plan, but..." I frowned. "I don't think I'm suited for the field now."

"Didn't you mention that you wanted to advocate for those who went through what you did, and even more than that?"

I looked at my boyfriend with an arched brow of curiosity. "I might have said that."

Asher playfully rolled his eyes as he closed his laptop to give me his full attention. It made my heart swell. "Did you know there is a job out there being a victim advocate?"

Shaking my head, I pulled one of my legs up and rested the ball of my foot on the chair. "No. What is that, exactly?"

"Essentially, you provide crisis intervention where you meet with the victim, help them through what they went through, and provide help through the process of taking legal action. There is more to the job, but I figured if you wanted to help advocate, I'd suggest that there is a job involved in doing just that."

I blinked a couple of times. "I could relate to the victim to help them." I worked through everything in my head. "I assume there will probably be classes I'd have to take before I could actually start this job, but..." I met Asher's gaze. "I think I actually want to look into this. I'm not the picture of stability, but what if this helps me? I could make sure they never have to go through the aftereffects that I did. Make sure they're kept safe. I mean, right?" A slow smile appeared on my lips. "Maybe I can talk to my brothers about starting a charity, too. A fund where we can build to give money to those struggling, you know?" I frowned. "Shit, I'll need to go back to college, but I could do this!"

"You have your masters, don't you?"

I nodded. "I do."

"Well, if you want to go back to cover the classes you need to fulfill requirements, we can find some programs for you." Asher smiled at me. "Look into it. You could always head over to the college and see what classes you'd need and maybe talk to an advisor."

My smile only grew as I stood up. "I'm impulsive; I want to do that right now!"

Asher nodded as he rose from his chair. "Go speak with an advisor. I'll make a call if you want me to, but I think your last name will get you there just fine."

I cringed. "I wish I could slash my last name away. It makes me feel disgusted. If I enroll in college, I have to see it. Such a miserable existence." I shook my head with a curled lip. "After I visit NY University, we have to talk about how obsessed my parents are with you. It gives me the creeps. Not only that, but they were trying to use me like a carrot to dangle in front of you. Deplorable. No wonder my brothers are desperate to escape their last name."

He rounded the desk and approached me. "Go down to the University," He rubbed his hands soothingly down my arms. "Talk to them, and we will see what we can do. Megan told me your insurance card was in the mail today, so when you have time, come by and grab it, okay? Now, go take control of your life."

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