Asher's Last Letter

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I never did figure out how to start letters, but here goes nothing.

Cameron Adair,

Using your full name seemed far more significant now. You're laying beside me, asleep, and peacefully, at that. I wanted to lay this tradition to rest, but not until I wrote back to you on the final page of the book. These letter brought us closer and closer together when we were in college before we learned that we didn't need them. But it was something that was ours. Something between us that no one could interrupt. Something that belonged to us.

Back when we first started these letters, you were my wonderful, full-of-sunshine boyfriend. Now, as this last letter is being written, you are still wonderful, and full-of-sunshine, but you are now my husband. You have a great amount of qualities I could list, but it would take all my remaining space. So, instead, I'll just spend the rest of my life with you—telling you all of those qualities.

I will make sure you feel loved every single day. I will make sure you never feel alone another second of your life. I will stand beside you as I am supposed to. I will support you. Cherish you, and never take a second of time with you for granted.

Whether you face the sun, or not—it doesn't matter. Because there will be days where clouds will gather over your sunshine. And I'll be right there through those, too. I will continue to play with your hair as you attempt to sleep. I will make all your favorite meals. And I will watch you demolish college to reach your dreams.

I believe in you.

There is no room left to dwell on the years we lost—we can't get them back. But you know what? That's okay now. We have our past, present, and future, and I'm so glad I get to be apart of them with you.

You, Cameron Adair, are the love of my life. There is no one else for me. I can't wait to make new traditions with you. Take you on adventures, and whatever else we can think of.

I already love waking up beside you, hearing your groggy voice as you adjust to the new day. I love the way you pinch your nose when I put a cup of coffee in front of you because you'd rather be back in our bed, asleep. I love the way you light up when I walk in from work, and the way you jump in my arms like you haven't seen me in years.

Maybe we are still making up for lost time, and that's okay, too. We can make up for all the lost time we went, while going on new adventures together.

And a day I will never regret is the day I married you. The day I gave you my last name because it belongs to you. Your heart belongs to me as my heart belongs to you. I never want you to question your worth—not to me. Because you are worth everything and more. More than I could ever describe.

We can't erase what happened in the past, but our time to move forward is now.

Our life together, officially, begins now.

As you still do face the sun, you will remain my sunflower.

I love you, Sunflower.

-Your Husband.
-Yours, always.
-Yours, always, your husband.
-Asher Adair.

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