Chapter Twenty-Three: Truth

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Cameron Adair

I stared out at the flood of faces looking back at me. I'd done a great job avoiding this particular situation until I was ready, and I still wasn't. My stomach twisted into knots. My hands were clammy as I had them curled into fists. Cameras flashed. My heart raced. People screamed. But luckily, no one could horde around me, thanks to Asher's security team. I already knew I didn't want to be here, but I knew I needed to be here.

Since New Year's Day, people have either attacked me on the internet, wanting to know if I was alright or otherwise. I didn't post anywhere on my social media but continued to live my life while I prepared for this moment. People have voiced that I waited so long because I was coming up with a cover story. It wasn't that at all. I simply wasn't ready to face everyone and tell them what happened to me. They only knew what the media had told them, and I wanted them to have my story.

Behind me stood my brothers, Alastair, Liam, Ace, Lily, Megan, Alora, Asher, and Mia. None of them approached me as I stood at the podium with cameras flashing in my face. On either side of me were several members of Asher's most trusted security team to make sure James didn't try anything if he were to show up. He wasn't allowed to be here, and there was a very low chance he would be. But a low chance didn't mean zero, and I accepted the security detail. It made me feel safer.

Mayor Adams also stood next to me, careful not to touch me, but leaned closer as he covered the microphone. "Whenever you're ready."

My response to him was a nod.

People in the crowd started shouting questions at me, and I ignored them until the government staff proceeded to quiet them down. I knew my time was coming. I was going to have to address the public. And my time was now.

I inhaled, and took that small step between me and the microphone.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary, I am Cameron Adair, a sibling of the Windsor triplets, known as Cameron Windsor, associated with wealth and privilege. Today, I wish to address a critical aspect of my personal history that has been subject to varying perspectives and misconceptions.

"Eight years ago, during a Gala event attended with my parents, I found myself at the center of a distressing incident resulting in a crime that left enduring scars on my well-being. The subsequent extortion attempt, driven by a recorded video of the incident by the perpetrator, James Cabott, further complicated an already difficult situation.

"Mindful of the potential repercussions and the emotional toll that the dissemination of such footage could inflict on unsuspecting individuals, I made the deliberate choice to keep my assault and the associated video confidential. This decision led to a challenging period of emotional distress, during which I endeavored to shield those around me from the collateral impact of the video.

"In the aftermath, I found myself grappling with the consequences of being drugged, raped and left directionless. My life was no longer mine but belonged to the assailant, James Cabott. Throughout years of extortion, I underwent a transformation, distancing myself from my family and allowing external control over my decisions.

"Fast forward to two years ago, exposure of my parents' misconduct of emotional and mental abuse. Which ultimately led to the expulsion of Cade and I from their real estate empire. The ensuing period of independence saw my brother Cade residing with our brother Carter while I sought solace in perpetual motion by deciding it was time to put an end to to torture James Cobott put me through.

"Collaborating with law enforcement, I sought to amass evidence against James Cabott. Despite my best efforts, I refrained from sharing the incriminating video with the police, keeping it guarded for eight years. The decision not to watch its contents was informed by watching the initial seconds eight years ago, which provided sufficient confirmation of the painful truth.

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