Chapter Seventeen: Game

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Cameron Windsor

"A gaming convention!" Carter angrily threaded the needle and somehow managed to get it right. "And why weren't we invited?"

"It's for a very close number of people." Cade tried to reason. "Though, yes, I'm a little offended. They're demoing their new expansion. Why didn't Asher invite us?"

Carter tossed the jacket on the table, huffing. "We were played in three different ways. Men! I could get by without one just fine. I have a drawer full of--"

"No." Cade shivered. "Don't finish that sentence."

I snorted as I grabbed the jacket Carter was trying to stitch and then the needle. "We don't need to be there. They're doing work, and we have to respect that."

"Fuck that, I want to try out some of the fancy games!" Carter took out his phone. "And you fuckers are my accomplices. We're going, and I'm calling Nory to make sure of it. Alastair's assistant loves me. If anyone can get us in there, it's her."

I shook my head. "I don't want part of this. I am still on rickety waters with Asher, and there is no way I'm going to screw that up."

Carter gave me a once over as I stuck the needle into the denim. "Whatever waves are in those waters of yours are waves you're creating. Asher gets a pass because he probably didn't want to expose you to such a public setting with him too soon. But the other two are in deep shit, and I want to go play video games."

"Absolutely not." I objected. "It won't look right if we show up together."

Cade swapped his gaze between us. "I want to go, but I also kind of agree with Cameron."

"You two are my partners in crime." Carter played the fucking card. "We're in this together, and we're going."

Sighing, I sat back, stitching the jacket while Carter managed to snag tickets to a very private event. I couldn't say I wasn't curious about what went on at these conventions, and it sounded kind of exciting. But I was nervous about what Asher would think if we suddenly showed up when we weren't invited. I didn't have to be everywhere Asher was, even if I missed him. I hadn't seen him in two days because he was preparing to attend this convention, and Alastair and Ace hadn't particularly been around either, considering they were presenting a demo of their new expansion.

They were probably on board because they missed their fiance's. Which meant I was stuck going along with this charade. I suppose if I did, I had the chance to get a glimpse of Asher, and since this convention took place over the span of three days, I would still have to wait to see him. I still might not have a chance to see him, but I wasn't only going for that small glimmer of hope. It did sound like a fun experience to try out some of the new video games that were being presented. Asher was there to support the partners who signed with him, and I knew it.

Carter picked out outfits for us to wear from the warehouse, and told us he always wanted to go on an undercover mission. I wasn't sure what was undercover about heading to a gaming convention, but I was okay with all the black he put into our outfits. Carter made us dress up like the triplets we were, all of us in the same outfits, same style hair, and otherwise. I didn't argue. I knew he was doing this for me. He didn't want anything to stand out in case we were recognized, and I felt it wouldn't matter. We were going to be recognized. 

Mira came along with us, glad to ditch work for the day. I was seriously a part of a crime I couldn't pinpoint. It felt that way. 

Once we arrived, we stopped dead in the center outside the massive building, staring at everyone who walked past. "Was that Sherk?" Carter leaned forward to track the person who just walked in front of us. "Yup, that was Sherk. Oh. It's...I don't know who that person is."

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