Chapter Twenty: Birthday

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Cameron Windsor

In the two weeks since James was released from jail, I have done everything in my power to make sure everyone around me wasn't going crazy. It wasn't easy. I stayed with Asher the night he was released and the one after. Then I'd been home every night since. My brothers were rightfully worried, seeing as they were almost attacked by this monster, but they've calmed down quite a bit, too. We've spent time together, a lot of it. Cade was getting ready to move out and move forward with his life. Carter was on his way to revealing this business to the world. Me? Well, I was still waiting for the college to call.

I was determined to be happy for the people in my life who were moving forward. It was okay if I wasn't at their level yet. I did things at my own pace. Two weeks wasn't a long time, and I knew things weren't handed to me. I would be in school for another couple of years, if I were accepted, and even if not, I knew I could attend community college to gather some of the needed classes. It would take longer, but I had to do whatever was necessary.

As for now, well, it was my birthday. Mine and my brothers. It had been almost eight years since I spent one with them. I thought things would fall back into a normal pattern, and I missed the mark. When my brothers and I turned thirteen, we had a tradition. We came to the restaurant I was currently and pathetically sitting alone in, and ordered their small, three-tier cake. This morning, I told them I would see them at around eight, and it was almost nine. I should have elaborated; I knew it. 

My heart hurt because of guilt. They didn't remember to come here because of all the carnage I caused, and I refused to blame them. This was the first birthday we'd spend together after everything, and maybe I should have stuck to making new traditions. It was dumb of me. I knew my brothers loved me. None of us forgot this morning--Alastair even made us breakfast this morning. The only person I hadn't seen was my boyfriend, who I told I'd see after cake with my brothers.

The waitress came by, and I saw her pity. Everyone wore that expression when they talked to me lately. "Are your brothers coming?"

"I'm going to call--"

"Cameron!" And while that wasn't either one of my brothers, I'd call it the next best thing. "We've been looking for you everywhere."

I faced Alastair and Ace as they approached the table with a frown. "I didn't tell them, not properly."

"Your tradition with your brothers." Ace, oh so helpfully, supplied. "Shit, they went into panic mode. I don't believe they even thought of this. Cade told me you three used to come here for cake. Not dinner. Just cake."

"How did you find me then?"

Ace arched a brow. "Shot in the dark from Cade's story. I told Alastair you might be here. Liam, Alastair, and I were searching around for you because you weren't answering the phone. Asher and the other two mirrors are not far."

"Damn it." I picked up the napkin from my lap. "Can we just go? I really don't fancy looking pathetic, nor do I want them to feel bad about not showing up. I should have used my words better." I tossed my napkin on the table. "They've been through enough."

Liam gave me a look. "Sit down. We'll go get them, then we'll go with Asher...elsewhere." He rolled his shoulders. "Seeing our boss so often is still a little weird, but whatever. We will take care of it."

I blinked, and before I could open my mouth to respond, they were out the door. I really hoped my brothers didn't come in here feeling guilty. That truly wasn't my intention. We turned twenty-eight today, and it was time for fresh starts. New year. New everything. I wanted to move out of my brother's apartment, go to college, and figure out what came next out of all those things. 

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