7 - Sleepovers

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{Grians Pov}

I've had a long day. It was fun though. I chatted with Scar like friends. I hung out with my mycelium disciples. I've done no work.

No work... no work... what would people think of me if they couldn't buy what they needed from the Barge? I can't be seen as a slacker! My injury is no excuse. 

I got off the couch and ran to the Barge. I opened up a shulker box and took out some sand. I opened the barrel and put it away. I opened another shulker box, then I heard someone behind me. I closed it and turned around.

"You shouldn't be working in that condition," Cub said, looking up and down at my injuries. "It's bad for you."

"But I want everyone to be happy. I'm going to offer what they want. If I can't make other people happier, what's the purpose of being here?"

"Grian..." Cub sighed worriedly. "If you don't go back to your base now I'm going to have to remove you myself. I cannot stand to see you working. You know your friends wouldn't approve of it. I watched Impulse forcefully take you out of the Barge once."

I nodded my head and used an elytra to get back to my mansion. My wings were no good. As soon as I was inside, I noticed my chest monster was gone. I checked my item sorter and everything was there. Who did this?

I reminded myself of the time Impulse dragged me to my base. I had fallen asleep in a shulker box. A red shulker box... I saw it at Scar's house! Scar was cleaning for me when he found me in one.

I saw the corner where Scar stacked all the shulker boxes. I grabbed a couple and stuffed in everything I would need for the sleepover planned for tonight. A bunch of pillows and blankets, a flashlight, TNT (Just in case I need it), An eyemask, and some books.

I flew over and put them inside the headquarters. Suddenly my communicator beeped.

<Ethoslab> Everyone ready?

<Grian> Yep!

<ImpulseSV> Just give me a second...

<Rendog> Me and mustachio are ready. We were born ready.

<Stressmonster101> That's strange but the strangest thing is that I'm ready on time.

<ImpulseSV> Ok I've got it!

<BdoubleO100> R you guys planning to attack us or something?

<BdoubleO100> If so, I don't think all your members are in the best shape for that.

<Grian> Hey!

<Ethoslab> You think so lowly of us, Bdubs... *sniff*

<Rendog> OK Stress Etho's the strange one now

<Stressmonster101> yep

<ImpulseSV> Anyways, Bdubs, we're doing a sleepover. Not attacking you.

<iJevin> I'm already here so let's do this.

<GoodtimewithScar> I wish I had friends

<BdoubleO100> Am I nothing to you?

<BdoubleO100> Scar?

<BdoubleO100> ...

<XisumaVoid> lol

<BdoubleO100> Shush he didn't mention you either

That right there is normal Hermitcraft texting. I turned off my communicator and stuffed it in my pocket. I grabbed the shulker boxes. I took a little tour around the shopping district to see if there was anything I needed. There wasn't. 

Impulse had cleared out a room for hangouts. There was a fireplace, a comfy rug, and other elements that made it feel cozy. I chose my spot, the beanbag. It was originally by the couch, but I moved it closer to the fireplace because I liked feeling warm.

Once again, my communicator beeped. They had finished their bit while I was flying around so I had no idea what was going on. So, I checked.

<GoodtimewithScar> G?

<Grian> ?

<GoodtimewithScar> since your mother spore, u kno a lot about mushroms right?

<Grian> I guess so, what'd you do?

<GoodtimewithScar> I ate one. It wwas 1 od those red with white dots one.

<Grian> Fly Agaritas. Toxic mushrooms.

<Goodtimewith Scar> I feel dizzy.

<Grian> Did you only eat one?

<GoodtimewithScar> I 8 diffrent kinds

<Grian> Scar why

<Grian> You can't even text properly

<GoodtimeswithScar> I wantd alone time so i ran to new area. no food

<Grian> Where are you now?

<GoodtimeswithScar> lary

<Grian> I'll come and help. Cub, wanna join?

<Cubfan135> Of course

"I'll be right back," I told the group. They all seemed disappointed, but I had to go and help Scar.

I went to Larry the Snail, and Cub beat me there. This is how the process worked. Scar would describe a mushroom. I'd tell Cub what the mushroom was and did, and Cub would treat it. Scar didn't eat that many bad mushrooms, so Cub said he'd be fine by tomorrow.

It was dark when I headed back. I sat down on the beanbag, and they waved at me.

"You're back just in time! The practice game just ended. I'll give you some cards. We're playing spoons, and the winner gets to ask whoever gets out first a question they have to answer." Impulse cheered.

In the first three games, Stress got out first. Ren won the first two, so his questions for her were "Are you better at PVP or Parkour?" and "What's your least favorite food?" So, he asked simple questions. I won the third and asked her what her biggest fear was.

"Probably insects like spiders." She told me. I didn't get it. Why does everyone fear spiders so much?

In the 4th game, I started with the worst luck. I continued to miss an opportunity to score. I was so focused on the cards, that I didn't realize Stress had made a match! By the time I noticed I had no chance.

"Whoo! I won! The underdog makes a comeback!" She cheers after eliminating everybody else. "Hey, Grian~ Since you asked me, what's your biggest fear?" She says.

A million thoughts rush through my head. I don't want to trauma dump on them, but I don't want to seem too secretive. "White rabbits." I say looking down at my lap.

"Rabbits? But they are just small and harmless creatures." Etho says, pulling a rabbit's foot out of his pocket. "What? They're considered good luck in many places!"

"I'd rather not talk about him right now.." I begin to feel a bit scared, and a single tear comes out of my eye.

"Him? What did he do to you..." Jevin notices.

After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, we switch the topic and continue playing more games and watching stuff. It was nearly 1:00 AM. We were all in our spots, as we were tired. (I'm writing this bit at 1:26 AM.) I started to shake.

I couldn't get the thought of him coming back. It was a stupid fear because I knew I'd never see Sam again, but I still remember what he did in high school.

"Grian, are you alright?" Stress asks. "Are you thinking of what happened earlier?"

I didn't have to answer. I felt Ren pick me up. "If somethings wrong, then all you've got to do is tell us, man." He says.

Impulse grabs all the pillows and blankets and puts them against the couch. He lays it out on the floor, and everyone lies down. I feel protected, safe, and secure. We cuddle in a group, sharing our stuff. These are truly real friends.

1138 words

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