12 - Calm before the storm

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{Grian's pov}

I woke up and realized I was no longer in bed. Scar was carrying me, and he hadn't realized I was up yet. I still had a pillow that I was hugging. I leaned closer into Scar, and he looked down at me, giving me a soft smile before looking back to where he was walking.

I looked over and noticed we were heading to Zed's home. It must be time for my check-up. Zed opened the door to let us in, and we went into a room and set me on the bed. 

Zed came back with a box of supplies. He set them next to the bed I was in.

"Sorry for causing you all this trouble, Zed." I apologized. It's not fair that he has to do this.

"No worry! It helps you, and I like doing this kind of study anyway!" He assured me.

"Study?" I questioned. He didn't respond. He just opened his medical equipment.

He first removed the bandages on my arms. He put some alcohol on them, and it stung. Scar was holding my arm out while Zed did it. It reassured me that I was okay.

I tried my best not to squirm while Zed completed doing my arms. He then asked me to spread my wings, and I did. He observed my wings before he touched them cautiously. He only touched certain locations so I wasn't uncomfortable. He fixed them up and then walked backward so I could see him.

"After those wings are fully healed, you'll need to get them in better shape." He stated, pointing at the preening tools on the shelf.

"I will." I agreed, even though I would most likely forget. (It's just like how you forgot to build the back of your base, G.)

"Your condition is getting much better! It has been healing quickly!" Zed exclaimed. "Strangely quickly..." I heard him mutter. I hope he doesn't get any ideas.

I watched as he finished up what he was doing. I turned to Scar and noticed that he was staring. He seemed to be lost in a trance. "Scar?" I called.

He blinked a few times before giving me a goofy smile. "Yes, Gri?" He finally asked.

"You were staring at me." I briefly stated.

"Oh! Sorry, G. I was just lost in thought." Scar explained.

"Thinking about what? Me?" I jokingly questioned.

It took him a few seconds to answer. "Well- I-" He started.

"Shush, you lovebirds! You're making me jealous now!" Zedaph complained.

I blushed at the thought of me and Scar. I didn't have to look at Scar's face to know he was too. "I- sorry, Zed." He said. He didn't even deny it!

After some awkward silence, Scar and I left Zed. We talked about the past of hermits. I learned a lot about the people on the server. I didn't tell Scar about my past. The only part I told him was that I used to hide my wings.

Scar told me about some people who used to be on the server. It felt as if I was in school learning a history lesson. I wonder where he learned this from. Maybe TFC told him a story. There were a lot of people. 

When we finally made it back to the shopping district, we were swarmed by no one other than the mycelium resistance. They flew in circles above us, like eagles stalking their prey. I waved as they looked at us.

Jevin grinned at the others and flew down first. He came fast and hit the ground hard. Ren came flying harder and landed in a bush. The others flew down at their own pace.

"Hey, Grian!" Etho cheered, pushing himself in front of the others. "We missed you!" He told me. The others nodded their heads in agreement with Etho's words.

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