Chapter 15

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Y/n pov

Bernard held my hand tightly as we ran down the street.

"Dad's in there now. We just have to find the elves." I said

"How do we get in" he asked.

"Don't know..." I trailed off

"I got it. Follow me"


Now here we are climbing through my room balcony with a ribbon that was nearby.

"How did you know about this?" I asked

"Who do you think put it here? How else do you think I got up here when we first started dating." He said.


"What your dad would've killed me if I was in here when we first started dating. You don't remember this"

"I don't think I ever saw you climb over my balcony. No" I said.

"Well uh now you know"

We made it to the top and climbed over the railing. I waiting for him to come up.

"I don't think I'd ever even imagined you doing something like that," I said as he brushed himself off

"What can I say I love you too much," he said kissing my temple. "Now let's go find the elves"

We opened my door and looked out before running towards the workshop. I saw one of the doors with a ribbon tied over the handles. I went over to the door quickly and untied it. I threw the ribbon away and opened the doors.

"Come on everyone. We gotta help Santa! Let's go!" Bernard said. The elves cheered before we saw Dad running with a woman.

"Dad!" I yelled. He turned around and saw us.

"Come on guys. We gotta stop the plastic Santa!" Dad yelled. We all followed him down to the sleigh area where Dad halted us to a stop. We watched as the fake Santa flew away. Dad sighed next to me. I looked around quickly before whistling.

"Everyone watch out!" Bernard said. All the elves moved quickly while Dad stayed next to me. Chet came flying through before stopping right in front of me. Dad looked at me with an Are you serious face.

"Come on Dad. You need to stop him and Chet is our last choice. I'm telling you if we had anything else I'd get that but we're out of options"

"Ok Ok fine," he said. He climbed onto Chet while Bernard pulled me back towards him by my waist.

"You ready to rock and roll Chet?" I asked. "He's still in training," I said quietly

"How much flight time has he had"

"About a minute," Curtis said. "He's had a lot of crash time"

"Curtis," me and Bernard said at the same time.

"He's just a baby" Curtis continued.

"Let's see what this baby can do," Dad said before Flipping the reins. Chet started in zigzaggy patterns until he was outside. We watched for a second then Bernard looked around.

"Everyone outside!" He yelled.

We all ran towards the workshop entrance. I ran beside Bernard and the women.

"Y/n," I said introducing myself to her. "You must but the women dad was messing up his shot with"

"You're Scott's daughter?"

"Yes ma'am. What's your name?"


"Pleasure to meet you. Sorry that the first time you come here it's chaos"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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