chapter 24.

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you are my favorite feeling


Harry paced and paced and paced. He would pause, take a deep breath, and pace again. It was 9:53. Louis was late. He would not come. He had stood Harry up. How would he recover from this embarrassment.

No, Harry thought, he's just running late. Something came up. He'll come.

Harry was losing it. He was starting to think Louis had forgotten. What was he going to tell Rue? He couldn't possibly tell her the truth, she'd hate Louis!

"God, you scared me." Louis laughed.

Harry spun around to see Louis holding his chest before letting his hand drop again. He was in a white tee and khakis. A hat sitting so loosely on his head some strands of hair were able to escape and sneak out through the sides.

For the first time Harry saw Louis' arms in full. Not bits here and there, but all of his tattoos at once. He had never seen him this way before. The tattoos were scattered across his arms and against the white shirt - they looked incredible. He looked incredible.

He couldn't believe how well they fit Louis. They belonged on his skin.

"You scared me." Harry shot back. "I thought you forgot."

Louis kicked a rock and watched it scatter to the other side of the road. "We said ten didn't we?"

Harry nodded.

Louis finally looked up at him. He stared making Harry suddenly self conscious of how he looked. He was still wearing his work uniform only he had taken off his vest and bowtie and threw on a sweatshirt. It was a little bigger than him so the fit was loose.

Louis smiled. "So where we going?"


"Harry, you don't have anything planned for me?" Louis had taken out his cigarettes and was throwing the pack from hand to hand. "I'm hurt."

Harry winced. "I honestly have no idea what to do."

Louis caught the cigarettes. "Have you been down to the lake?"

Louis and his friends always went out on the lake. They would go smoke, drink, or even jump in the water fully clothed. They would lie on their backs and soak up the sun. Enjoy the breeze that blew across their noses and through their hair.

It had been raining recently so Louis was itching and could not wait any longer to go.

Harry shook his head no.

"Ever?" Louis looked up astonished.

"Ever." Harry confirmed.

Harry wasn't really the outdoorsy type. He never really got his shoes dirty. You would never catch him swimming either. Let alone on a boat out on a lake that could be infested with all kinds of dangerous animals.

"Oh, we got to take you." Louis said about no one in particular.

Harry may have winced but Louis caught him immediately and so Harry stood up straight and smiled. "Can't wait."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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