chapter 12.

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people go
but how they left
always stays.


Harry sat in the backseat of the car this time, having lost shotgun to Luke. He stared out the window as his two friends discussed problems at work. He watched as the buildings passed and admired the trees that grew within the city - each one a different shade of green.

Their town was very small and old. Only the shops they needed were found within the area. Shops like the supermarket and one decent clothing store that provided them with the clothes on their backs. They also had a newspaper stand and a bookstore. The bookstore being a collection of used books that were bought then later brought back to be sold again.

Harry was grateful for it nonetheless.

Rue enjoyed the clothing store most of all. She loved going in and finding beautiful unique pieces just to take them home and completely remake them into her own. She had a love for making the prettiest outfits out of everything she would find. She even made clothes for Harry which he always appreciated.

"Did Kye get onto you?"

Harry had been tuned in to their conversation about Luke and had picked up on Kye being his manager. He also heard them say how Luke went into work that morning thirty minutes late.

"Not much, he just made me scrub the floors in the back as punishment." Luke lazily said as it was no big deal to him.

Harry was sure this was a usual thing for him.

"Gross. I can't imagine how much food drops on those floors." Rue ran a hand through her thick, dark hair as she spoke while the other remained on the wheel.

"They're spotless actually; the rats get it." Luke joked causing both Harry and Rue to look quite disgusted.

"I'm kidding," He laughed. "By the way, could we just swing by Louis' place first? I'd rather not speak to Lola."

There was that name again.

"Lola?" Rue finally asked for Harry as she caught his eyes in the rearview mirror.

"Turn right here," Luke signaled to Rue just before answering. "His dad's daughter, she's annoying as fuck."

"You mean his sister?" Harry laughed.

"More like step. His dad remarried when he was young. Went off and got some big deal job and now he's crazy rich. Of course, doesn't give Louis shit."

Harry stayed quiet, taking it in. He couldn't imagine what it must feel like to see your own father living such a great life with another family and not care for you at all. To know you're alone and still leave you with nothing. Sure Harry's father owned the drive-in and never gave Harry even half of what he needed, but he still gave him a job and helped keep him on his feet.

His father would never abandon him. He was just stubborn is all and simply believed in discipline.

"That's how she has a phone then," Rue noted.

Luke nodded as he drummed his fingers against his knee.

"If she's annoying how does Louis stand her?"

Luke snorted. "He doesn't. She just buys from him and she's loaded so."

"Buys? Like drugs?" Harry spoke up.

Luke smiled at his innocence, leaning back to look at him. "Yeah, he sells."

"Crazy though, huh? One look at her and you couldn't even picture her holding a cigarette let alone hitting a line." He said as he turned back to face the road ahead. "Pull in right here."

"How come you two don't live together?" Harry asked as Rue parked in front of a small apartment duplex. Despite it's size it was actually a nice building.

"I know, i'm surprised you don't." Rue added.

"I could ask you lot the same thing."

Harry and Rue looked at each other, making a face.

"Harry would lose it if we did," she giggled.

The three of them climbed out of the car and shut the doors behind them before they took a look around the area. Unlike Harry's, these apartments were all ground level and divided into two. He took notice of the buildings only having one window per apartment and couldn't help but hope Louis had it in his bedroom so he could enjoy the sunshine as he woke.

Luke began to walk towards the door as Rue and Harry quietly trailed behind. To say Harry was nervous was quite an understatement. This was Louis' house, he'd be seeing the place Louis felt most comfortable in. He'd see where he made his tea or where he sat down to read the paper.

He'd see what kind of pets Louis had or if he even owned any. He'd get to hear the creative name he gave his animal friend. What if he was human name giver like Harry too?

Luke knocked on the door that was labeled '3B' before he backed up. He knocked to a rhythm Harry had recognized but he couldn't put his finger on.

"He always takes forever to come to the door." Luke muttered as he reached up to grab whatever seemed to be above the door hinge. The piece of wood bordering the door was old enough to be lifted and placed right back. Perfect place to hide what Harry assumed to be a key.

"So you're just going to show us where Louis hides that?" Rue asked as Luke unlocked the door.

"What, gonna rob Louis?"

"We might."

Luke scoffed as he placed the key back in its original hiding spot. "Harry, rob someone? He wouldn't dare."

"Hey," Harry exclaimed, very much offended. "I could rob someone. I probably already have."

Luke grabbed onto the doorknob and pushed open the door before stepping aside to let his friends walk in first. Very polite of him yes, but Harry wished he had walked in first as this was their first time there and what if Louis just saw Harry or Rue barging in first. 

Harry found it very rude and embarrassing.

Luke followed behind Harry. "I'm sure you have, Harry."

Harry frowned. He thought back to the night Louis and him took money from those girls. Sure maybe it was Louis who stole it but Harry was still part of it, he too was involved in that scheme.

Harry was convinced this proved he was a thief and was just about to continue their argument but instead fell completely silent as he was now in Louis' home and Luke had just shut them in.


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