chapter 10.

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i promise you'll later regret
everything you didn't do.


"Alright Harry, calm down for a moment."

"Calm down?" Harry exclaimed into the phone. He had been pacing back and forth around his kitchen as he panicked to Rue over the phone. "Rue, there is a tattoo on me."

"You can't even afford a tattoo." Rue said from her side of the phone.

"I know! And I don't even remember going to get one done, Rue i'm losing it." Harry was speaking very fast.

"Calm, i'm coming over there just relax." He heard shuffling meaning she was probably gathering all her things and throwing some shoes on. "Where did you go right after work?"

"Home." Harry whined. "I remember everything up to getting into bed. I came home and got into my bed."

"Did you happen to maybe drink?"

Harry stopped pacing for a second to make a face but then remembered she couldn't see him. "No Rue, I did not get up in the middle of the night and get drunk."

Rue's car engine roared to life through the phone before she spoke again. "Hey, that's actually a pretty common thing for most people."

Rue was the only one of them that actually had a cellphone. Not because she could afford it, but because she stole it. She claims they were snobby and had enough money to purchase another so they shouldn't be selfish.

"Yeah well some people get up and cut."

"Nothing like using humor to cope." Rue said in a horrible american accent. Her and Harry's shared joke as they claim it was a common phrase for americans.

Harry ran a hand through his hair, his frustration driving him mad. "Rue."

"I'm literally driving Harry, jesus. I'm coming okay? See you in five." And with that she ended the call.

Harry felt like crying again as he slammed his home phone back into the wall. But he wouldn't. Crying won't resolve anything, he tried to remember the words his mother would harshly throw at him.

Then Harry's mind wandered to Louis. He wondered if maybe he was alright.

After a what felt like forever there was a knock at the door, interrupting Harry from his thoughts. He practically jumped up from his couch and ran to the door, swinging it open to reveal his beautiful friend.

"Hi you," she chirped. She was holding two coffee cups in her hands; one presumably for Harry. Her attire consisted of a short overall dress with the prettiest silk shirt Harry has ever seen underneath.

"Hey that's a nice top, will you let me borrow it one day?"

"Only if you let me borrow a headband, it would look killer with this." Rue said as she walked past Harry and into his kitchen. She set down his cup as she took a sip of her own.

Harry thought then ran into his bedroom. He pulled open his closet door and looked through the headbands and beanies that were hung up against the back. Once finding his cream colored headband to match Rue's shirt, he hurried back into his kitchen.

"This one," he started, walking over to the girl that was already propped up onto his counter top. He stood in front of her as he wrapped the headband around her head.

Rue smiled, tilting her head side to side. "Cute."

"Okay," Rue brought their focus back to the reason she was there in the first place. "Let's see this tattoo."

Harry pulled the sleeve to his sweatshirt back, revealing his wrist. Yes getting a tattoo was normal, but because Harry currently had no idea how it even got there in the first place, he feels the need to keep it out of sight. And very hidden.

"Woah baby," Rue exclaimed as she saw the anchor on Harry's skin. She grabbed his arm and brought his wrist up to get a closer look, mimicking Harry's earlier actions.

"No yeah, definitely a tattoo." She said as she traced the lines with her finger.

"Yes as was said."

"Well Harry it all sounded ridiculous to me. You just suddenly wake up with a tattoo that you obviously didn't pay for? And you know for a fact you came straight home?"

Harry's shoulders fell. He thought that somehow his friend would have brought him some sort of answers but they both remained clueless.

"Are you sure you didn't get drunk?"

"What if the pills drugged me?" Harry suddenly asked, ignoring Rue's question.

"Harry, you took two."

"Rue, I could pop one pill and still get drugged up."

Rue stopped swinging her black knee-length boots back and forth. "Yeah cause Ibuprofen drugs you up."

Harry whined, throwing his head back in frustration.

"Oh come on, what's the big deal anyways? It's just an anchor plus it looks cool. You basically just got a free tattoo."

The curly haired lad sighed, feeling defeated. "Guess you're right."

Harry still felt weird though. Something about this entire situation felt off. Sure he could just forget about it but how exactly did a tattoo just somehow appear onto his arm? Harry knew he didn't get drunk. For him to forget completely - he had no hangover.

Harry went to bed and woke up with a tattoo. That is exactly what happened. This wasn't some movie, this just doesn't happen.

Rue rolled her eyes, seeing Harry was definitely not dropping it. "Come on," she jumped down from the the counter, grabbing her keys.

"What- where are we going?" Harry asked, quickly grabbing his coffee and following the dark haired girl out of his apartment.

"To find Louis. Whatever you did last night, i'm sure he was also involved. Whether he was there or he did it."

Harry shuts his front door, locking it before pocketing his keys.

"Woah woah, Louis?" Harry asks, the color from his face draining slightly. He rushes up to Rue and grabs ahold of her shoulder causing her to turn back. "You want to talk to Louis?"

"Uh, yes. Who knows, you two probably got drugged up trying to relieve your itching last night and don't even remember."

She turned back around causing his hand to drop.

Harry followed behind her as they walked down the long corridor in direction of the stairs. He took sips of his coffee as he tried to calm his nerves but just the thought of having to try and make conversation with Louis again made him anxious.

What if he looked even better today than before?

Harry cursed for the fourth time that day and it wasn't even noon yet.


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