chapter 4.

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so kiss him again
just to prove to me
that you can.


The birds flew above, singing their early morning tunes, as Harry hummed to himself contently. This morning while fetching his mail, he made the decision to walk to work today. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue and there was a slight breeze that just automatically put Harry in a very pleasant mood.

He was grateful his apartment wasn't that far from the drive-in. He could easily get to work on time without having to deal with any traffic. He knew he wouldn't regret his decision to live in the countryside rather than in the city and he didn't.

Harry felt as though he were in a movie as he walked down the long dirt road, leading to an open field. He took in the scenery that surrounded him as he walked on, softly singing along to the music flowing through his ears. 

He even stopped to pick up a small rock and toss it out in front of him. No there was no water surrounding him, and the rock didn't even skip across the ground, but he wanted to get the full experience of being in a movie.

"Good morning Ashton," Harry chirped as he walked up to the ticket booth right upon the gate entrance. "Sleep well?"

"Harry?" he squeaked, looking at him in disbelief through the window. "You're walking?" He poked his head out the side of the booth, looking down at Harry's sneakers as if to see if they had really brought him here.

The smaller boy had on a uniform similar to Harry's except his fit a little tighter and was paired with a silk, black vest. Harry always teased him for it but secretly he envied it. He always believed Ashton pulled off the uniform way better than he could just because of his tan skin and nicely toned body.

"Yes, yes I am." Harry beamed, finding his fifteen minute walk a huge accomplishment. In a way, though, it was. Maybe it wasn't very noticeable but Harry wasn't athletic. Of course he went to the gym but that was only because he cared for his health and well-being. But sports? Absolutely not.

Ashton shook his head, pushing the soft, caramel curls that dangled across his face back and out of his eyes. "No way, it's too hot for that. I'm melting right now and i'm under the shade."

"Hot? I thought it felt super nice out actually," Harry mumbled, his shoulders falling. How dare he be the only one enjoying this glorious day when they've been punished with worse.

Ashton returned to his post, sinking down into the chair right in front of his mini fan - his body instantly relaxing as he let out a deep sigh.

"Say, Ashton," Harry began, walking into the booth only to lean against the doorway.

"Yes, Harry?" Ashton asked, uninterested, his eyes now closed, as he allowed himself to enjoy the slight breeze being blown his way.

"How do you, um, pick up girl?" He asked quietly, looking down at his feet.

Ashton opened one eye, peering up at Harry. "I'm sorry?"

Harry sighed. "Y'know, like," he paused, peeking back over his shoulders to make sure they were the only two listening. "Like when you see a girl, then think 'wow, I want that girl,' then actually talk to that girl and bring this um girl back to your bedroom?"

Ashton slowly sat up, staring at Harry completely stunned as he tried to piece together what he had just heard.

"Is this you're way of telling me you're suddenly not gay?"

Harry's eyes went wide, his demeanor suddenly changing. "What?" He squeaked.

"What for what?"

"I'm, I mean i'm not-"

"Gay?" Ashton interjected.

Harry didn't respond, in fact he had no intention on even opening his mouth to speak to Ashton ever again and his bored expression was not helping.

"Harry, I'm saying this in the nicest way possible," Ashton began, looking at Harry. "But it was pretty obvious to me that you were. Of course I never said anything though because that's your business."

Harry softened, his shoulders falling back into their original slouch.

"I don't care really, like whoever you want but yeah I know." Ashton said.

"Of course not everyone feels the same as I do, Harry. I hear what people say to Rue, please be careful. I can't imagine the type of shit you could get."

Harry was stunned, how he felt so comfortable with his sexuality right now with someone other than Rue baffled him.

"Although i'd smash their faces in before they would even try." Ashton continued, a dry chuckle falling from his lips.

He was about to sink back into his chair, his eyes already fluttering shut, when he was startled by someone tapping against the glass of the booth.

"I'm sorry to frighten."

Both Harry and Ashton looked up to meet the eyes of an older woman. She was beautiful, although Harry wasn't quite sure which eye to look into as they did not share the same color.

She also was not that much older than the two but to Harry, anyone older than him, was old.

The dark makeup around her eyes and long black hair complimented her olive-toned skin beautifully.

"Uh, the first film doesn't start until another hour, ma'am. We are closed," Ashton finally said, the two boys continuing to stare.

Her long, unruly hair reminded Harry of all the chocolates.

"No, no," the woman smiled, the raspiness of her voice prominent. "I'm here to set up, I was wondering if i could rent out an area for my booth?"

"I'll ring up the manager and let him know you're heading his way, you gotta talk it out with him." Ashton informed her before turning and heading into the back to make the call.

It was then that Harry took notice of the woman's rather flowly attire and numerous coin accessories rattling with her every move. "What exactly is your booth for?" He asked as politely as he could.

The woman smiled, her eyes burning holes into Harry's. "You may say I look into one's life and tell you what is to come."

"Cool, so like tell futures and stuff. A fortune teller?"

"You could say that."

Harry pulled his lower lip between his teeth, getting lost in thought before an idea sparked his mind. "Tell me mine, but if it's bad can you tell me how to change it?"

"If not then I don't want to hear it."

"Ah, ah." The woman sang. "We wouldn't want to make that same mistake again would we? You should not continue to mess with fortune tellers, young man. Haven't you learned your lesson?"


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