love letter

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hi bbs xo

just wanted to leave a little note and thank u all so so much for taking interest and actually liking my little book <3 7k views! dude so crazy. my shower and zoned out church thoughts coming to life :')

the drive-in has reached #4 in larryfanfiction and i cannot stop fangirling mwah mwah mwah<3333 thank u sosos much. the names u guys give to ur reading lists that u add my book into are also hilarious and i adore them

with that being said the drive-in will be updated very soon i apologize for how long each chapter takes i just plan out each chapter, reread, and make sure it's exactly how i imagine and want it to be. the ending will be quite a beautiful twist so stay tunedd although it won't be ending anytime soon.

ps. lets not forget Harry is meant to be pretty awkward and quirky so if he makes u cringe at times - he's perfect


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