chapter 14.

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i hope you're happy
just not like how u were with me


After Luke and Rue had their laughs their emotions took a quick turn as they grew to realize their best friends had gone without them to get tattoos - not even thinking to invite them.

"They even match," Luke exclaimed, practically whining.

"No," Rue gasped, adding to their dramatic effect as Louis rolled his eyes.

"They do not match." He groaned, growing irritated with their child-like behavior.

"No, they definitely match." Rue mumbled to Luke, disregarding Louis input.

Harry looked down at his anchor. He had to admit, he was quite fond of it. It was beautiful and seemed to lay perfectly against his pale skin. Not too big, not too small. He thought of Louis' tattoo; the anchor and the rope. An anchor needs it's rope.

They did match. Harry blushed furiously.

"Wow, we introduce you and you just ditch us to leave us out like this." Luke said.

Harry wanted to say that he actually already knew of Louis' existence way before Luke had brought them together but he kept quiet.

"We did not ditch you," Louis drags out. He buried his face into his hands. He lifts his head back up as he uses his hands to speak. "How many times do I have to tell you, Luke, I have no idea how this even happened."

Harry sits quietly on the floor with Rue on her feet beside him, equally silent. They've had this exact discussion so they simply watched as Luke and Louis shared their previous argument.

"Right, I got that. I thought getting drugged up was our thing."

Harry couldn't help but giggle. He knew this was not the time to find anything amusing but Luke's jealousy was funny to him. He almost found it cute that Luke appreciated Louis' friendship this much and did not want Harry to take his place.

"Something funny, Harry?" Louis snapped him out of his thoughts causing him to look up and be met with both boys' eyes on him.

"No- I, uh I don't smoke," Harry stumbled . "So getting drugged is still your thing."

"We definitely did no such thing. We would have at least remembered taking something before it had any effect on us," Louis added. "But we don't."

Harry nodded. 

"So you didn't buy any liquor, didn't pop anything at all?" Luke asked to which Louis and Harry both shook their heads no. "All night?"

"Luke I promise you, I'd know if I was on something."

"Hmph," Luke grunted in defeat.

The room fell silent as no one knew what more to say. They had ran out of solutions and were simply stumped. Only the occasional awkward eye contact between Louis and Harry as they now shared matching ink.

"What if," Harry said. "What if it was the fortune teller lady?"

"Harry, what?" Rue asked, finding his suggestion rather ridiculous.

"I mean, they just magically appeared? We didn't do it."

"Magic?" Luke asked in a way that immediately embarrassed Harry of his own question. "Like witchcraft?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Harry mumbled.

He felt so silly. He realized how foolish he probably had sounded. Louis probably thought of him as an idiot.

"The fortune teller was a total fake, Harry. I'm sure she has nothing to do with this." Louis softly said, smiling as he sensed Harry's uneasiness.

The tint on Harry's cheeks remained as he returned the smile though he picked at the carpet and decided to stay quiet this time.

"Josh is still tattooing right?" Louis asked Luke as he stood up from the coffee table.

"Think so. You don't think he did it do you?" Luke asked as he too stood up.

"I'm about to go find that out."

"Sick, I'm coming. If he did then i'm definitely getting one too." Luke picked up his drink as he headed for the door, not even bothering to hide his grin.

Rue shook her head as she gave Harry a hand, hauling him off the floor.

"Not to kick you two out or anything, believe me I do enjoy your company," Louis teased as he stopped in front of the two. "Especially yours Harry but please leave."

Rue laughed as Harry blushed. "Yeah, we're leaving." She said.

Rue lead them out, saying her farewells on her way as Harry followed closely behind.

"Bye Louis." Harry softly said, waving bye to the very pretty boy.

"Goodbye Harry." Louis voiced cheekily.

Harry had to bite his lip to keep the inhumane noise from leaving his mouth.

"Bye to you too, Harry." Luke called out causing Harry to wince from embarrassment and Louis to smirk.

"Oh," Harry said. "Bye Luke." He blushed.

"Bye Harry."

Rue laughed once they were outside.

"Quit." He groaned. "I'm glad this amuses you."

Together they walked back to Rue's car side by side. Harry pulled open the passenger door before climbing in. He buckled himself and sighed contently as Rue backed out of the dirt driveway.

Rue took a quick look at him before focusing back on the road.

"Life is so great isn't it?" He smiled, sinking back into his seat. He crossed one of his legs over the other.


"I mean, just look at us," Harry continued. "Just hung out at Louis', talked to Louis, saw Louis."

"Harry, we're poor and our parents hate us. Also we're gay." Rue said as if Harry had forgotten they had actual problems.

"I know but we have each other." Harry said brightly causing Rue to cringe. "And the boy i'm deeply in love with actually wants to be my friend. His friend even likes me."

Rue's smiled. "Luke for sure likes you."

And Harry too smiled proudly at this, feeling giddy that someone enjoyed his company.

"Wanna go watch a film?" Rue asked as she rolled her window down to allow the breeze to blow through their hair.

"Sure," Harry smiled.

Because even on their days off, they still found themselves always at the drive-in.


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