chapter 2.

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the healer
the killer.


1:39 AM.


That was exactly what Harry was very much on when he decided that following Louis into the toilets and shutting the door behind him was a great idea. Oh but don't worry, he locked it. He wouldn't want anyone unwanted to follow of course.

You see, in Harry's defense, he thought Louis was leaving so when he saw him walking away he immediately panicked and followed him. It wasn't his fault Louis' bladder decided it needed to be emptied out right when Harry was about to speak.

Because Harry was obviously going to speak to him this time.

He remained frozen at the door, unsure of what to do, as he heard Louis begin to take a pee. The idea of turning around and walking out somehow not crossing his mind. He was beyond flustered and felt as though he had forgotten how to breathe because oh god, he was in the same room as Louis Tomlinson.

The restroom to be exact.

He was about to check for his pulse just to make sure he was still alive when he heard the small lock be unlocked and the stall door being opened. Panicking, he quickly spun around and rushed out the door.

But of course, the door was locked so Harry slammed face first into the metal door.

"Ow," he cried out softly as his hands rushed up to hold his face.

"Holy shit, are you okay?" Louis asked as Harry slowly turned to face him.

You know what's worse than being completely humiliated? Absolutely nothing. Find me a bus, Harry thought, run me over.

Harry wanted to respond, he really did, but he was afraid he would only embarrass himself more. Or worse, cry out in pain. His beating heart, that felt as though it would thump out of his chest any second, wasn't much help either.

His nose couldn't possibly be broken from just that, could it? Uncovering his nose, he moved it and wiggled it around in hopes that it wouldn't be. It wasn't - it was, however, in pain so with each wiggle, he winced.

Louis couldn't help but chuckle. "Here, let me see."

"N-No, really, i'm fine." Harry managed to croak out. Clearing his throat, he let his hands drop back down to his sides.

Louis simply nodded before moving to the sink to wash his hands. Harry felt nervous again. He couldn't help it. Louis was actually talking to him, again. He had even looked Harry in the eyes and held his stare with his beautiful, beaming blue eyes.

"Listen I know the whole walking thing can get pretty complicated sometimes," Louis teased as he looked at Harry through the mirror. "But if you just really put your mind to it i'm sure you'll get it, bro."

"Right," Harry mumbled, flushing, as he hurriedly turned and pushed open the door - after actually unlocking it this time.

"Funny, I don't remember locking the door."

Harry froze.

"Ehm, yeah I thought no one was in here s-so..." Harry scrambled as he searched for an excuse but to his luck, nothing came to mind.

Realization hit Louis as he turned to lean back on the sink. His arms were behind him, propped up against the counter as he held himself up with his hands.  "Ah. We all need a good wank every now and then."


"If you would have told me from the start I would have walked out and left you to your business." Louis laughed.

Oh. So he wasn't offering- no yeah okay.

"Some of these girls, eh? Can't even let us make it to our bedroom." Louis said, that stupid (hot ass) little smirk still on his face, as he stood and made his way past Harry and out the door.

And on second thought, being humiliated was not the worse thing Harry had felt that night. No, this was definitely more worthy of being ran over by a bus for.


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