chapter 11.

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take that chance,
you never know if you're ever going to
be able to again.


"Where are we going? We don't even know where Louis lives." Harry exclaimed from the passenger seat. He had been whining and whining, the entire car ride; Rue was very close to pulling over and making him walk.

"Actually," She chirped happily. "I do happen to know someone who does. Luke should be working at the diner right about now."

"Luke? As in Hemmings? Oh no, no Rue he can't know about this. Do you not know how weird this all is?" Harry panicked once again, twisting in his seat to face Rue.

"At least you're aware." Rue murmured, coming to a stop at the red light. She tilted her head in the direction of the curly-haired boy. "He's not going to know though, we're just going to ask him where Louis is. Nothing else."

Harry gave a very exaggerating sigh, sinking down in his seat so that the back of his neck was low on the seat.

It was a pretty uncomfortable position to be in yet somehow relaxed Harry as well. It calmed his nerves only for them to reaccelerate as soon as he got to thinking again.

"What if Louis is perfectly fine, no tattoo whatsoever, and we just immediately barge in questioning him?" He threw at her.

Harry knew this was a bad idea but then again, he knew no other way to go around this situation. It was their only option. He just wanted to be stubborn is all.

Rue finally stared down at him, fairly amused.

"Why are you such a child?" She turned back towards the road, taking off just as the light returned to green.

Harry mumbled under his breath as he slowly slid back up in his seat.

And maybe he did begin to feel slightly embarrassed by his previous actions but of course, he would never say. So Harry sulked.

"Oh good, his car's in the lot." Rue said as they pulled into the very old Mal's Diner.

Harry waited as his dear friend shut off the engine, unbuckled herself, and even hid all her belongings under the seat so no one would break into the car, and steal her already stolen objects, before he finally climbed out behind her.

"I'm nervous."

Harry was nibbling on his bottom lip as he pulled on the elastic around his wrist repeatedly allowing it to slap down hard against his skin.

"You don't have to speak, i'll hold the conversation with him." Rue assured him, knowing that would calm Harry's nerves. 

"Okay." Harry whispered, oddly. Rue obviously did not hear it.

The little bell hung above the door rang as the two entered the diner. "Welcome in! How are you?" A server yelled out as he walked past them with a hand full of trays. Other greetings followed behind shortly, only some bothering to look up.

The diner was rather small. Booths lined up against the wall by the windows while the high top tables were scattered across the main floor. It wasn't too full but the customers inside kept them busy enough.

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