chapter 23.

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may the flowers remind us
why the rain is so necessary


"I forbid it."

Harry grew furious. Who was he to decide what he could do with his life? To stop him from being with the one he loved.

"You will do no such thing." Harry fired.

He wanted to yell and voice his anger. Wanted to scream and tell the man all he asked was to be happy. He felt trapped. He was suffocating and wanted out. Harry would find one, find his way out.

He remembered of his gift he had been given. The opportunity to run and have his life he had always wanted.

Harry spoke, "You have no say in what I do."

His words came out through his gritted teeth like venom, filled with hatred.

"I control what you both do." The man spoke with authority. He was not backing down and neither was Harry.

He rolled his eyes. He never will again - control what they do that is. Harry will run and wish for his freedom. He will find the woman who will take this all away. He will be with Louis.

Harry awoke. His mind fresh with the image of the man he so deeply hated in his dreams. He did not know who it was but the face was now familiar to him as it always seemed to appear in his dreams.

This was the first night the recognized face spoke and Harry had spoke back. It was his voice only deeper. Different and wiser. Like it had been through so much. He could hear so much pain behind it.

Harry's lack of sleep was now becoming a problem for him. He dreamed every night and his brain no longer rested.

His feet dragged as he carried himself into work.

"Good morning Harry," Rosiah said once seeing him pass by.

Harry only gave a small wave and continued on his way. His eyes felt heavy and he was in no state to hold a conversation.

"Get enough sleep?"

Harry paused. He turned around to face her. "You know of my nightmares."

"Is that what you call them?"

"That is what they are." Harry said.

She hummed. With pursed lips she spoke again, "Perhaps they are."

Harry was confused and too tired to even bother. Did he not just say they were?

"Would you like a dream catcher? Though I cannot promise it will help with all your dreams."

A dream catcher? Rosiah read his thoughts, "they protect you from bad dreams and evil spirits."

Will they protect me from you? He wanted to ask.

She beckoned for him to follow and he did. Together they walked to her tent.

Harry spoke, "If it won't be any help why should I want it?" He didn't care for his rudeness.

"It will help you with some. Only the good dreams will stay, good ones help you sleep no?" Rosiah smiled at him. Harry was startled, how she knew of his lack of sleep and nightmares was beyond him.

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