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Stop thinking about it , it was just a dream if u started to take these dreams too seriously it won't worth us anything but rather make our mind tired...jungkook said but he was still staring outside the window without blinking his eyes , It wasn't the dream of one time I've been seeing it since past three months i wonder what does that mean , who is she ? What is my connection with her , he looked at Jungkook . Don't think about it if anything is meant to be then it'll happen just go with the flow jk said , taehyung took a long breath and said , yeah leave it by the way I've heard that we are gonna have a new stylist, You not us , jk said. What do u mean by me? Taehyung looked at him amusingly, Yeah just you because that previous stylist was sharing your personal info that's why they fired her , jk said....oh ok cheap people, tae rolled his eyes well i think i should leave now , ok bro ...they both hugged each other and taehyung drove off...He was thinking about that dream through out the whole ride after reaching his apartment he did his night routine and nodded off

"Taehyung Will you wait for me?she said
Only if you tell me about yourself, who are you?i need the answer
You'll know me soon I'm coming
She faded away
He y hey sstPp wait"
Taehyung wok up he looked here and there and rushed his fingers through his hair , i need the ANSWER I NEED THE DAMN ANSWER WHO IS SHE..he shouted and pushed off everything from the side table, Great now I won't be able to sleep again...he scolded himself
The night passed with taehyung writing a song about his dream because this was the only way he could distract himself it was morning now suddenly he felt his heart beating faster than usual , he was feeling anxious his palms were all sweaty and his breaths were uneven suddenly he got a call from his manager

Hello taehyung-ah
Tae: Yeah
Mg: are u okay
Tae's wasn't able to breath but still he managed to answer: Y-YEah
Mg: alright so your stylist is here ...come over
Taehyung felt a sting in his stomach
A sudden wave of joy rushed through his body
Taehyung -: oh okay
He cut off the call , and changed into formals to meet his stylist

I WAS THE ANSWER YOU NEEDEDWhere stories live. Discover now