chapter 7

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And why do you feel so? Jungkook said sipping on Champagne. Taehyung took a long breath and said ' I have alot of questions too , it's just been few days and I'm not dreaming about that girl anymore, and I'm feeling an unknown attachment with emaan . Jungkook chuckled and came forward, well hyung! He put his arm around taehyung's neck " Definitely there's something, he said . Taehyung gave him side eye and said ,as if I'm unaware but what is that "something "?

Take everything with a flow, don't rush the things Jungkook said . Ok let's see then but promise me this should stay between us. taehyung asked him
Ah come on you don't have stress about it ,trust me Jungkook said patting his back.

On the other hand , Emaan was reciting Quraan in silence when she came across the verse" and we made u in pairs" Emaan's finger stopped on the verse for sometime and suddenly a tear fell from her eyes. She continued to recite the Quraan with silent sobs
After finishing the recitation she folded the Quraan and kissed it twice , the she raised her hands for dua.

" Ya Allah your plan is out of my understanding, but i did get your sign
But is he feeling the same?or is it just me? Am i being delusional? Allah we are very different from each other. He doesn't even believe in you and i don't want a man who's heart doesn't beats on your name .Bless me with someone who's heart belongs to you, make him find you first before he finds me so that he can experience the way of loving someone unconditionally, Ameen".

Days were passing and she was getting closer and closer to taehyung, her feelings were on horizons.she fell for him but still her heart wasn't accepting it because his faiths were different. Meanwhile taehyung was also feeling the same but the difference was taehyung wasn't bringing religion in between like emaan . He just wanted her

They were in korea , taehyung was writing a song for his album ." something seems special about this album or this specific song , the title is indicating something "jimin said to taehyung, he smiled with lower head and nodded in agreement. Oh my Goodness really? Is there someone? Jimin asked him in excitement , grabbing everyone's attention

Will let u know soon, taehyung said and left the studio, going out he called someone " Hello emaan ,how are you?" Tae said opening the car door.
" Hey , I'm are you" she said
" I'm good btw I'm coming over . Are u home?" He asked . "Yes sure I'm waiting "She said.
After sometime taehyung knocked the door and was welcomed by emaan

Welcome Mr, she said with smile. Thank you miss he smiled and entered the house. Emaan made him sit and bought snacks for him. hey leave it let me show you something, taehyung said excitedly
Sure what is it? She asked him. Taehyung took out the album and showed her the songs he wrote

Wow this is nice , she said . "Is she mine" she said it out loud and looked at taehyung .um yeah he looked in to her eyes and said "is she mine", Emaan's heart started to beat faster. I- i
Taehyung, she stuttered. Taehyung's intense stares were making her feel nervous. She was about to get up when taehyung grabbed her and pulled her towards him. She was so closed to him , both were hearing each other's breaths
Taehyung looked at straight into her eyes and said

" i love you" , leaving emaan in biggest shock ever. She couldn't process anything and tears formed in her eyes
He was feeling the same as her, the time when she questioned Allah about him. This was her answer , she wasn't the one who had feelings. If Allah wants to bring two hearts together he make them both beat for each other not just one. She was constantly looking at him ,tears were flowing down her eyes.

Answer me emaan, He said. I love you too, emaan replied with a tight hug
Taehyung was on cloud 9 . Emaan forgot her words , little did she know it was the beginning of her test. The test between choosing Allah and love.a loud thud of thunder stroked in sky

"Taehyung " she pulled off the hug and looked at him. Do u believe in Allah now? She asked him. He took a long breath and and looked away " No!" I'll make you believe in him one day. She said it with confidence. Emaan i love you ,not your religion. it'd be better if we keep religion away from our practical life. How about you live your ways and I live mine .He said

No taehyung you'll have to love Allah in order to love me . She said.
Emaan come on !!! We just confessed to each other you should've thought about it before confession.Tae said aggressively. i- was not in my senses your love blinded me for sometime, Eman said

What the hell emaan .So you are choosing Allah over me? Taehyung said
Yes "emaan looked straight in his eyes , I'll marry you only in one condition, you'll have to find Allah before you enter my life permanently. She said with rage
Fine then , if you can't accept me the way i am then it's better to leave you right now.Taehyung said and left the house. He was waiting for her stop him but she didn't

Is her believes stronger than my love? People dies to even see me for once ,this ungrateful girl made me fell for her and now she's choosing her stupid beliefs over me? He thoughts were driving him crazy

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