chapter 9

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It was dusky morning , after crying there the whole night she took the biggest decision of her life. She got up and went to her house , after reaching there she called her mom " hello ami jan" she said
" Why did u call now Emaan?" Her mom said without greeting her. " I'm ready ami jan." She said with poker face. " What? really?" Hearing her mom's happy voice made her heart a bit lighter. " I'm coming to Pakistan today."she told her mom and hung up the call, everything was done
She drove off to airport in the evening, she passed by the building , Hybe!
She let out a small chuckle and said " i hope you are happy now taehyung", after reaching the airport she was sitting in the waiting room

She sent a resignation email to the hybe management . And cut off with everyone except hansyuk. She called him
Hello han , . "Hey emi what's up girl why did you left so early yesterday" , he asked her . I'm leaving korea han, she said. What?why? He asked . Ask taehyung but yeah take care of yourself, she started to cry because she couldn't hold herself Infront of her best friend

Emaan!!!! Why are you crying. Han asked
She told him everything, han was boiling in anger. ' he's suxh a bastard, go emaan and don't ever look at him again , I'll come to meet you and yes don't forget me to invite . She smiled a bit and said "sure , good bye han I'm going* " good bye emaan."

Her plane took off , it was now on the top of Korea, she looked down from the window and said " Korea , you broke my heart ,hope to never see you again"
She landed in Pakistan after 12 hours of hectic flight. She was greeted by her parents at airport

" I missed you so much emaan bacha "her dad hugged her " missed u too baba jan".they hoped in the car and drove towards their house
The roads of Islamabad were  so peaceful she was silent throughout the whole ride
, looking outside the car . Her parents didn't disturbed her because they thought that she's tired

They reached home , her dad made her sit comfortably " so what are u gonna eat janeman" her mom asked
" Nothing ami jan I'm not hungry"
" My daughter in law should eat ,what do u mean by you're not hungry" someone said , emaan turned her head to see Hassan's mom taking trays to the dinning table .

Emaan got up and hugged her " Asalam alaikum salma khala"
Wsalam , wsalam ,how are you ". She kissed her both cheeks , " I'm good khala , how are u " she asked khala....
I'm happy, thank u for accepting Hassan
Her heart sunk when she heard his name but didn't over react about it

They went to dinning room and had a good dinner together, it was tea time when they heard the door bell.
Emaan's dad opened the door ,it was hassan , he was standing there with a huge bouquet of roses and a massive gift box

Aslam alaikum khalu ,hassan greeted him
" Wsalam beta come , she's here" her dad told him making him blush
He hesitantly went inside emaan looked at him and smiled forcefully
A-asalam alaikum emaan. Hassan greeted her

Wsalam , how are you? She asked him
I'm good this is a small gesture of love for you, he gave her the bouquet and gift, which she accepted with fake smile
Thank you hassan " she said . Your welcome . You have became more beautiful. He complimented her. "Thanks "
After talking to hassan for about an hour she asked him to call everyone. They all gathered in the drawing room
Emaan's dad : why did u call us here?
Emaan : baba i want our engagement next week
Hassan : what? Why this early can't you wait for a month or two?
Eman: what's the problem?
Hassan : nothing but
If there's no problem then get it done by next week, she said and left the hall

Their parents were happy about it and hassan also had to accept whatever she wants.

In korea

Taehyung we'll have to arrange another stylist for you. Taehyung frowned at Manager's statement "what do u mean?"
He asked . Emaan has resigned
Taehyung's heart sunked after hearing this
What do you mean? Where's she? Taehyung asked him
Um I don't know about that she didn't mention it anywhere.the manager said making taehyung rush out of the studio

His hands were trembling, " i messed up , i fucking messed up " he said and drove off to her house to find it locked
"No way!!!!!!! EMAAN " he was banging on the locked door , his breaths were uneven

He tried to call her but it said that the number you've dialed is currently not available
"What the fuck did she changed her number?"
He went to her Instagram and it was deactivated

Emaannnnnnn , he screamed and broke into tears ,and left the apartment, he started to looking for her in every street of korea, no shop, no mall no house was left from him
It had been 20 days he was searching for her day and night
It seemed like he was going insane
Everyone was worried for him
, he took break from BTS

He was begging everyone to tell him that where was she. He called hansyuk to han river
" Yes mr kim ,you called me?" Han asked him taehyung ran up to him and started to ask him " where is she ? You must know na ? You know where's my emaan .please tell me hansyuk please " he cried Infront of him

Hansyuk was looking at him and remembered the way emaan was crying that night . " Why? What do y want?" Wasn't everything finished between you two? You guys were nothing right?" Han said

" Nothing was over , nothing, i was drunk I swear i didn't mean anything i love her fromm the bottom of my heart" taehyung said with tears " " oh so you love her but still hooks up with bitches right?"


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