chapter 8

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I choose you Allah , as i promised i don't want a man who's heart doesn't beats for you, my love isn't fake for him but I won't choose him over you, she said it in sujood ,tears were streaming down making the prayer mat wet,

7 months passed , nothing was same between emaan and taehyung now , they were maintaining professional contact none of them talked about it again , taehyung couldn't accept her religion and she couldn't accept taehyung

without him accepting her religion. Taehyung has lost his interest in her where emaan was still in love with him, she had a ray of hope that one day he'll come to her with the same love.

She was making breakfast, when she got a call ,her heart started to beat she ran towards it and it was her mom , she was low-key disappointed, because she expected his call. She picked up the call and greeted her mom

How are you emaan ?her mom asked. I'm good ami jan ,how are you and baba
Alhamdullilah we are good, her mom replied . that's good , mama is everything ok? How came you called this early?
She asked

Yes everything is fine . So what did u decide?her mom asked , despite of knowing what her mother was talking about she still asked her mom cluelessly
"About hassan" Her mom said staidly.
Emaan was silent for  a bit and then cut the call .

She was so disturbed, on one hand she was being pressurized by her parents and on the other hand she was failing her love. At this point everything was flustered around her , she started to cry her heart out . "Ya Allah what do i do? Allah this test is harder than what i can bear Allah , please tell me one way so that i can continue on that. I left him for you but i still love him, i can't accept hassan either because i love taehyung

She was crying when her phone started to ring again, it was jhope. She picked up the call" hello emaan  what's up ?"He asked her , " hey!  Everything's good" she replied
" Well i called to invite u for today's party at my house make sure to show your presence at 8:30 pm" he invited her to the party to which she agreed because she wanted to see him, taehyung.

It was finally evening she dolled up and book uber, in no time she was there , she greeted everyone but not taehyung, both saw each other but none of them talked to each other. Emaan was looking at him time to time whereas he was ignoring her existence. She was standing all alone, now she was regretting her decision for coming there . Taehyung saw that she was alone but he still didn't go near her , just in that time hansyuk came to her and started to talk to her
Which didn't go unnoticed by taehyung

Emaan are u okay? Hansyuk asked in concern. Yes why .she replied. Idk i feel like you are bit gloomy, he said .She told him everything because they were best friends now, hansyuk couldn't help but consoled her that everything's gonna be alright he tried to cheer her up and his efforts didn't go waste , taehyung was peering at them from afar

Is everything ok mr kim? A girl asked him
Yes, he said without looking at her.
She ordered a drink and gave it to taehyung. Taehyung glupped it in one go , the girl was smirking, and because of his anger seeing someone else making emaan smile he drunken 6 glasses , now that he completely loosed his senses the girl grabbed his tie and pulled him to one of the room .

Time passed , hansyuk spilled his juice on Emaan's dress accidentally. "Oh shit I'm sorry I'm sorry" he apologized. It's okay let me clean it . She went up to clean her dress ,she opened one of the room, as soon as she opened the door,she saw something which pulled off the ground beneath her feet, she was standing there like a statue, her whole world collapsed at the sight of seeing the love of her life naked in bed with another girl, she was trembling like hell

That girl was riding him like manic and he seemed to be enjoying it, the room was filled the their disgusting moans. "KIM TAEHYUNG " She screamed as loud as she could. Taehyung pushed the girl as soon as he heard her , his head was aching but still he managed to get up he wrapped the blanket on her lower abdomen and went to her .

"Yes" he said, emaan came forward and said ' who the hell is she? What are you doing? Taehyung are you insane " " what's your problem? We are nothing emaan, don't interfere in my personal life, you are nothing beside my stylist. Taehyung fumingly said . At this point emaan was helpless, she wanted to slap him but she lost the right, he told her that they were nothing.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks , she smiled and nodded " Congratulations kim taehyung, you won. I won't show up again in your life" she said....Then get out, he stormed at her
She turned around and left.

Emaan's world was collapsed here , she run from the party, she was running on the crowdy roads of seoul , without caring about the surroundings , people were looking at her , as if she ran away from mental asylum, her heel broke and she left it there .... running for unknown time she reached han river , where she screamed on top of her lungs , the night was nothing but a complete disaster

What's my fault? WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS ALLAH? She was crying her heart out , cold winds were blowing her hair she was crying about her fate  never in her life she thought that she'll have to go through such situation.
I lost myself in lovin' him Allah , i lost everything Ya Allah , i lost him

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