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He went up and set beside her, his father was the priest of nikkah, the nikkah ceremony started after 10 minutes everyone was silent in the hall
The nikkah started as per muslim tradition, the molvi asked taehyung first, do u accept miss emaan adil as your wife, he replied qabool hai 3 times
His voice was familiar but his voice wasn't not matching with Hassan's voice
Emaan was feeling a bit uneasy at this point

Now it was Emaan's turn to be asked
Do you accept syed Talha kabir as your husband, Emaan's eyes widened, she looked at her groom , without hesitation she removed his sehra ,and found out that it was taehyung, kim taehyung, her taehyung, she started to cry when she saw his face , she got up and so taehyung did, without thinking about anything they both hugged eachother and cried in each other's embarce
Their parents, and han were crying for them too

Both were crying but not because they were said ,these were the tears of happiness,the tears of their prayers
She pulled off and said it loud 3 times Qabool hai Qabool hai Qabool hai
Talha kissed her forehead and as per ritual they took blessings of their elders and sit in on the stage for pictures,

Talha asked for mic and went down the stage

Attention everyone, some of you guys might know me but let me introduce myself formally I'm kim taehyung, but also syed talha kabir , long story short , I'm reverted Muslim. This woman right there ( pointed at emaan) has my whole heart ,she came in my life and changed me completely, i was in the darks she dragged me out of there , she's like serendipity , in the cold nights of winters i was like lost winter bear i was searching for home and then i found "her" she bought "spring days" in my life and gave me the key to " magic shop". She made me the most happiest person in the world, she filled me with so much love and made me " Boy with love"
"My city" is lighten up like "dynamite" just because of her , she set my heart on "Fire". I'm always " ON" cloud 9 whenever i think of her , i will love you forever emaan, i may not be the perfect version of myself yet it might be "not today" but i promise to become better man for you
I wanna hold your hands in "Rainy days" and i want you to "love me again" because you are the cause of my " euphoria"

Hearing this speech emaan couldn't help but ran towards him to hug him
"Emaan? Stand here please" he asked her and turned his face towards qablah , he did the intention of two rakahs nawfal of thanks, he made the longest sujoods of his life
After salaam emaan went to him and said
"And He found you lost and guided you" they both did another sujood together and thanked Allah for bringing them back together

It was time to bid goodbye to the family they drove off to their house ,
Taehyung and emaan went to their room
She was about to go to washroom when he held her hand and pulled her in his embrace she didn't resist and stayed there with him
Without uttering any words he took her to the bed and made her sit there
He went to her feet and kissed them then came up and started looking at her

Her breaths were uneven,she wasn't looking at him
" Are you shy ?miss shytan?"
She didn't say anything and smiled
He putted his finger under her chin and made her look at him
You are looking mashAllah emaan.
But i wanna do Astaghfirullah with you
Emaan's eyes widened when he heard her saying that

Before she could utter anything he smashed his lips on her
(You can imagine the rest 🌚😉)

The both got up in the morning after taking bath they offered fajar together
And had breakfast

What do u call wife in urdu , talha asked out of nowhere
It's "biwi" or "begam" why?she asked
Which one is more romantic ,talha looked at her
Um begam, emaan said and again asked him the reason
" Nothing begam" he said making her smile ,she hit his shoulder playfully

So ?talha ? , emaan looked at him as she called him talha
Talha turned around and hugged her
Yes talha's begam
Both laughed
What do u want from me as a gift talha? Emaan asked him
5 kids he replied without thinking
Hahaha do u wanna kill me? She said
Nah why would i want to kill you, i want five kids

Fuck you , she said
Come ,he licked his lips
Emaan widened her eyes when she realized, what did she just said
Talhaaaa , she pushed him and ran away
He laughed and ran behind her
Hey stop let's make kids " he teased her
How about i make your korma she shouted from their room

Begam atleast open the door ,talha requested her but she denied
Trust me emaan i need some important files I'm getting late, he said
As soon as she opened the door he pushed her on the bed and hovered over her

Where do u think you'll go? He started her in his eyes straight
N-nowhere he got up and laughed at her nervous face
Come on begam don't be scared, i ain't gonna do anything for now
7 years later

Rameen talha I'm telling you don't tell baba about it, if you did I'll not talk to you. Got it? Emaan warned her 5 years old daughter she was preparing surprise party for talha's birthday
Talha came home in the evening
The lights off ,he called emaan
"Emaan? Rameen? I'm home"
Rameen baba is home babyy,
Emaan and rameen was standing in the dark and laughing at him quietly
Emaan daddy is home babyy girl
Emaan widened her eyes
Baba you are not her daddy silly
She's your wife he turned on the light to find his home decorated with lavenders and roses

He smiled at them and hugged them
Well I'm her daddy too little one , don't ask too much
He cut the cake
And hugged his wife
Thank you emaan for being in my life
He said pecking her forehead
I askd Allah to make u find him first and then find me. And he did it in the most perfect way , and do u remember u were asking me alot of questions that day ,
I was the answer you needed, Emaan said
Talha hugged her more tightly and escaped his eyes
Alhamdullilah, if you are the answer to my question than I won't mind repeating these questions in another life. talha said

The End

( The Astaghfirullah line was inspired by jeonimagine )

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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