chapter 6

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A ray of sun hit his face, and he woke up he realized that he was sleeping on the floor, he touched the carpet and it was wet with tears ,he suddenly remembered all the things that happened last night
Argh fuck ' he rushed his fingers in his hair . I went too far i shouldn't have said it to her,why do i always take my frustration on other people. He got up to was his face he was washing his face someone knocked on the door

He went out and opened the door ,it was her she smiled at him and said :'Good morning" " Good morning " taehyung said back Come in please,he said . How are you feeling now , Emaan asked him. Um I'm good how are you? Taehyung said but his gazes were low
It's okay mr kim , I didn't mind anything.she said out of the box.

Taehyung looked up and made a question able face, H-how do u know that-Emaan cut him off " i know i know ,it doesn't matter how and why" come here taehyung went hesitantly and sit with her. I got the schedule from manager today .i guess there's a fan meeting
She said.. Taehyung nodded , so what's new ? He asked her. NEW, nothing!.she replied

Come here let me show you ,your outfit emaan, asked him, they got and went towards his wardrobe she picked his outfit . Taehyung wore it and as usual he was looking perfect, Emaan complimented him for which tae smiled. I think You're missing something.Emaan said . Am i? Tae frown at her. Um oh yeah your watch...she said, Tae looked at his wrist which was empty he slapped his forehead and wore the watch.

Ok I'll be going now. Tae bid goodbye and went to the fan sign with his fellows
And team.After they left emaan didn't have anything to do,so she decided to
Call her parents,She talked to them for 2 hours her mom was asking her to come back " ami jan you know i can't come now but I'll call you guys here just let me collect some more money" she said politely, " But Emaan it's not about meeting, we want you to get married ASAP" her mom said

Ami jan marriage? No I'm not ready yet ami . Emaan said with teary eyes. THEN WHEN ARE U GONNA BE READY EMAAN, her mom shouted. Until i find the one who is truly made for me ami, trust me I don't feel peace with him my heart yearns for something peace. Hassan is a nice guy but not the one for me, she said but this time with a bit brutality. Emaan did u loss your ethics? I'm your mom ain't i? Her mom questioned her
Ami jan ,you are obviously but-
No buts emaan either marry Hassan or you don't ever show your face to me, her mother cut the call

Emaan broke into tears "YA ALLAH I DON'T WANT HIM MY RAB , Ya Rab how do i convince her , Rab who is for me?is hassan the one? Ya Allah give me a sign my Allah, I swear i will take an immediate decision ya Allah i need the answer please" she was crying her heart out without a realization that she's still in taehyung's room. Rab my whole body trembles even by the thought of marrying hassan , just one sign ya Rab, please, she fell in sujood , when she was crying someone opened the door .

EMAAN? He ran towards her, Emaan what happened? Hey? Get up?
She got up to find taehyung's eyes filled with concern. I-im sorry i-? He cut her off shhh , get up come sit here he took her to couch, he grabbed a glass of water and made her drink it .Now tell me what happened?he placed the glass on table and set beside her

She was silent for some good seconds and then broke again into tears
Without asking her anything he hugged her which made her eyes pop out in disbelieve and shock, but why she wasn't resisting?he was a stranger . He was not even her mehram. Why he heart felt comfort in his embrace?why she's yearning for me more? Why she can't let him go? Why does she wants to hug him back tightly? Why did she feel the peace for which she was craving for years?
She closed her eyes and a voice echoed in her mind"if it's meant for you it'll find you" she immediately opened her eyes she smiled a bit that , emaan? Taehyung called her
Hmm? She said ( they were still hugging)
It's been 5 minutes. What? Emaan let go off the hug and looked at him, taehyung was not blinking he was lost in her eyes
Both hearts were beating at same pace
This was the longest hug I've ever had. Both said at the same time

Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah. She said repeatedly
What happened, Tae asked . I hugged a na mehram . She looked down feeling a bit guilty. Oh come on emaan taehyung rolled his eyes, but without saying anything emaan left the room
What was that?tae asked himself
Fuck ,that was peaceful.Why?

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