chapter 5

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Ahm emaan i think we should take our leave now what do u think? Emaan and han looked up and saw taehyung standing there with poker face  . Ah sure mr kim, alright han nice to talk to you will catch you up soon , emaan smiled at han , han offered her a handshake but she refused, Eh I'm sorry. She said han understood that she can't let him touch her  , while taehyung looked at her because he thought that why would she refuse a handshake she was comfortably talking with him they took their leave went to the hotel , without talking to each other both of them went to their rooms

Taehyung changed into his comfortable night suit after taking shower , he stood Infront of mirror and starred at his reflection for a bit, the room was filled with silence, taehyung got up to open the window and curtains to get some fresh air he then went towards his bed and plopped down ،the cold breeze was hitting face and his silky hair were moving slightly, he was looking at the ceiling, taking a long deep breath he found himself drowning in thoughts about her, yes he was thinking about the girl he used to see in dreams but he haven't witnessed her presence in his dreams ever emaan has came

Where is she? He questioned himself, i wanna know , why she didn't came last night? And what's making me feel uneasy about aena? Who is she? Is she related to her ?i need my i thinking too much?or this is just an initial stage of me thinking about it, is it gonna hunt my thoughts forever? What is my answer?

He rolled to his right side and looked outside the window , he got up and stood beside it he was looking at the hustle  of the city everyone was busy in their life, taehyung's mind was filled with questions, a drop of tear escaped his eyes , he wiped it with his thumb and said " what is happening, I'm trapped i feel like I'm trapped"

Unknowingly he went to Emaan's room , he knocked " who is there" he heard her . Taehyung, he said , Oh come in mr kim he heard her permission and went inside. He saw that she was wearing hijab and she was reading a book she folded the book and kissed it gently, then she got up and kept it in a safe place

What were you doing? Taehyung asked her , Take a seat first mr kim , she told him ,he sat on the sofa and so emaan did. I was reciting the Quran she said with a smile, What's Quran? Taehyung asked her confusingly , she sticked her tongue out and smiled  ' It's our holy book " She said

Oh okay again crap, taehyung said which made emaan angry , Atleast be respectful toward other's religion, she spatted
Why should i be respectful toward something which is man made taehyung argued back . That's what you think mr kim i work as your stylist not as someone who makes debates on everything but I'd suggest you to rather start studying religion or just shut up cause you are being disrespectful towards other's beliefs

Whatever I don't care just do whatever you want i came here because i was feeling low, taehyung said arrogantly
Emaan felt bad for what she said after hearing taehyung's reason behind coming to her room. oh you should've told me about it,she said softly
As if you were letting me , taehyung said
Aena smiled at him and apologized,
Nah it's okay , taehyung said

Well how can i help you? She asked
Emaan I don't know i was feeling low , yk I've been seeing a girl in my dream ...,he told her everything which made her quite curious

Emaan was listening to him silently " Don't think about it much, it's nothing" she said , taehyung looked at her "seriously?i came here to share this thing with u and you're saying that don't think about it, .But mr kim- , Please emaan, i wish i knew that this is gonna be your answer,i would've never shared it with you " he cut her off.

Emaan folded her lips and looked down , I really don't know what do i say mr kim . But I'll ask Allah to solve your problem, She said. Taehyung looked at her with a smirk , Oh so how your ALLAH is gonna solve my problem? Hufff stop it please, He said. Mr kim He's God ,He knows everything, He- , she was again cut by him with a thunderous voice this time , THEN ASK HIM TO GIVE ME MY ANSWER THAT WHO IS SHE, I NEED MY ANSWER,. with that he got up and stormed out of the room

Emaan was sitting there with shocked face because she was still processing his behavior ,Ya Allah help him , She said
She took her makeup off and went to her bad , she was really tired so she nodded off as soon as her body touched the bed
Meanwhile taehyung, his anger issues got over him again he was standing near the window silently and suddenly he started to cry loudly his heart was sinking again ,he kneeled down and cried even more, despite of feeling light after crying his heart was clinching more he got up and sit near the window the uneasy feelings he was having that night was something he had never witnessed before, the night passed like that he slept while crying.

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