Why am i not dreaming anymore

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After spending like an hour at airport they hoped in the plane , emaan sat with tae beside the window she started to read a magazine and tae was busy in his phone , 20 minutes passed when tae looked at her she was already nodded off,she kept the magazine on her chest her face was turned towards the window tae leaned a bit to take the magazine from her hands when she turned her face ,it startled tae but under some seconds he was lost in her , he licked his lips as he was feeling her breath on his face now he came back to his senses he immediately backed off ...in no time they were in newyork
Emaan , emaan ,miss emaan Tae Shaked her a bit
Hhmm ,she slowly opened her eyes :What happened sir ? She asked
Taehyung was already looking at her and then said we're here let's go, she nodded and they went out after greeting fans at the airport emaan and tae hoped in their car they were about to drive off when Ashley held the car door , what the heck miss , I'm supposed to be with him...emaan looked at her and said " um...mr kim ?" Oh yeah emaan Ashley will come with me , Tae said making her frown,then how am i supposed to come ?is there another car? "Yeah miss please give me my seat we're getting late... Ashley said with narrow eyes ,emaan looked at taehyung only to find out that he was busy in his phone ,she looked down and then went out of the car ... Ashley smirked and drove off with taehyung,their cars were passing one by one yn was hoping for them to stop but they didn't WHAT the how will i go, she said to herself...with me she turned around and saw that man is indicating her to sit him ... Emaan frowned and said : why so?and who are you?... I'm Jesus...he said, Wtf is wrong with u? Emaan said , hahah just kidding I'm hansyuk jungkook's stylist and they told me to pick u up he said with a gentle smile , emaan didn't say anything and silently sit with him after reaching the hotel they were looking for taehyung and Jungkook
Han: where are they?
Eman:was i with them?
Han : no
Emaan: then why are you asking me
Han : oh my God girl stopppp ( he said playfully)
Emaan: shur up
"Emaan" they looked behind,Han : oh sir you're here no we're still on the way Taehyung said... Emaan laughed at han , han looked at aena and said , it wasn't funny,yeah whatever she rolled her eyes
Should we go miss emaan? Taehyung said grabbing their attention....they went to their respective rooms she heard adhan...um mr kim let me pray first then I'll give you your outfit: Tae : be quick ..she rushed to the bathroom to do wudhu , she came out with her white hijab while murmuring " where's the qiblah?" Taehyung looked at her and that was it he couldn't take his eyes off her , within 15 minutes she was done with her prayer she raised her hand and asked for something which made taehyung curious, Do you really think that God exist? Tae asked her ...she folded her prayer mat and kept it on the table " Yes He exist that's why we exist..she smiled at him...Well i don't believe like u can't see him , you can't feel him , you can't hear him , Tae said without taking his eyes off her because he was curious not because he was feeling something for her ,he wanted the answer..Who said that I can't feel Him? Who said that I can't hear Him , who said that i can't see him? ...she said firmly...Can you? Tae asked her again...when you start believing in his existence from the depth of your heart , you'll find him everywhere He says " and I'm with you wherever you are" ...she removed her hijab , Well emaan then you shouldn't take your hijab I've heard that islam has strict laws about hijab , taehyung said sarcastically, THIS is just assumption and stereophonic thing, islam don't force anyone it's our choice ....she said taking deep breath, well mr kim let's go I'll show you some outfits for today's party , tae slightly smirked and went behind her ...she gave him the outfit which taehyung liked alot it was brown suit with blue feather badge, taehyung wore the outfit and came out to show her "how's it?" Emaan looked at him he was looking really good "Oh MASHALLAH it's looking so good on you Allah humabarik" she couldn't stop herself from praising her because he was kim taehyung , the most beautiful human being on the earth" Haha thank you emaan , hey what about you aren't you going with me?" He said , emaan was about to reply when they heard a bang on their door " come in" taehyung said annoyingly because the bang was too harsh ,as if someone is intentionally bothering them , the door opened revealing Ashley wearing maroon long gown with exposed cleavage and slit, she was looking really beautiful ,"yes Ashley?"taehyung said "umm let's go " "where?" Taehyung frowned" to the party... we're going together, aena will stay here as you know aena stylist aren't allowed to go with their " Yes Ashley i know thank u so much" emaan said you should go now mr kim you're getting late " " but what about you? I think I'll need your help there get ready" taehyung said "but tae-" no buts Ashley i said what i said " he cut off Ashley ... Eman left the room to get ready

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