chapter 12

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Baba did u see her ?she was my emaan. Taehyung told kabir like a kid. Yes talha i saw her , baba isn't she beautiful?talha asked his dad again

She's very beautiful Allah humabarik, kabir smiled at him
Baba i wanna go to her. Talha whined
No son have sabar, she's about to get marry move on from her Allah will bless you with someone better , Kabir tried to convince talha to move on from emaan

Talha got up ' baba you think that there's someone better than her? Baba i don't want better ,when i can have the best, she's the best"
I can't say anything my son may Allah give you hidyah. He said and left to his room

Today was her mayun , han asked talha to come but he refused
Two days later
,it was finally the day of her nikkah
It was 3:30 am in the morning
Both of them were praying tahajud
Talha was crying, it was the end , now he wasn't expecting anything, he lost her forever, his emaan was going to be mrs emaan hassan ,

On the other hand emaan also lost all her hopes , she was going to marry someone , but it wasn't her taehyung, he heart was tearing apart , both prayed tahajad and didn't ask for anything this time

They fell in sujood and said " As you wish my Rab"
Folding the prayer mat both got up eman went to terrace and talha took his cars and drove towards margalla hills
He was driving with full speed his vision was blur with tears

He stopped in daman e koh and got out of the car the he was looking down, his hair were blowing up by the slight breezes, emaans was standing on the terrace the cold breeze were whispering in her ears

Everything was silent something was being prepared for them
More than they both had expected
Both prayed for eachother in fajar ,
Not knowing that their Lord
Is smiling at them and he has wrote their names next to each other thousands of years ago

Emaan w wore her wedding dress , and the Moa did her makeup ,she was dolling up for someone and it wasn't her taehyung

Tear escaped her eyes her mom hugged her and so did her dad, Han's tears were also flowing seeing his best friend getting married , but he wasn't happy because he knew that she wasn't happy either

He has asked her to stop the marriage but she didn't give him permission, she didn't know that talha was in Pakistan, in her city Islamabad

Han and her dad went out of the room they were on the way to the wedding hall when her father received a phone call from Hassan's parents
" Hello,"

Phone fell from his hand he held his chest, uncle UNCLE , WHAT HAPPENED, Han asked the driver to stop
Her father started to cry, han asked him again that what happened

Hassan refused to marry emaan , he is already married and has a son , her father told him
What the hell? Han was more than shocked .
What will i do now? What will i answer the society? What will i do? My name ,my daughter? My family oh Allah
Her dad was crying like mess

Han couldn't help but smiled at the thought that now it's the chance
Uncle i know someone who can help.
Han told him the whole story which shocked her father
Really? And emaan didn't tell me once about him? He said
Uncle it's not time to ask questions let's go and bring him and yeah don't tell emaan about him I'm calling aunty
Han called her mother and asked him to come to xxx location where talha was staying

She sent emaan to the wedding hall with her cousins and went to talha's house , there they explained her everything and talked to kabir regarding the situation

Talha wasn't home yet,
So Allah heard him, Kabir said with smile
Yes he did . Adil ( her father) said
Someone opened the door and it talha , all messed and tears were dried on his face

Hansyuk hyung? Who are they? He asked han
Emaan's parents, Emaan's mom said
Making taehyung look at them he immediately went to them and said salam

Taehyung? Will you marry emaan
?her dad asked him
Taehyung's eyes widened with his question.
Taehyung it's not the time to think my son emaan needs you. Kabir said
Taehyung was being showers with unexpected statements
He asked the reason and they told him that how hassan deceive them
Taehyung was on cloud 9 he got ready and wore the sehra which was given to him by her dad

They drove off to the wedding hall everyone was waiting for Hassan's entry
And there he was , he entered the hall making everyone look at him , emaan wasn't looking at her she was looking down

Taehyung stood there for some good moments when he saw her in bridal dress tears were down his eyes he couldn't believe that it was happening,Allah changed his situation when he was expecting it the least as his father has told him two years ago
He procced to walk forward and made his way to the stage

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