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Taehyung will be here in no time..are u ready ?
Yes sir she smiled at the manager
Good , he said
May i come in ? They looked at the door
Oh sure taehyung come in
Taehyung entered the room when his eyes fell on the girl , he froze at the spot
Taehyung she's emaan ,your stylist and emaan this is taehyung
Taehyung was constantly looking at her ,emaan frowned and so the manager
Hello mr kim , she moved forward
He was still looking at her
The manager snapped his fingers in front of him and bought him back to his senses
Oh - yeah hii, how have u been . Taehyung asked her
Oh I'm good thank you
Ok so emaan they'll be leaving for new york next week make sure to pick his best fits for the airport , manager instructed her
Sure sir it's my job , she gave him assurance
So I'll be taking my leave now I'd like u guys to know each other better
Manager Bid them a good bye
Taehyung asked emaan to take seat and they both started discussing about the out fit
They discovered that both of them has the same fashion sense
Do u want to grab something for lunch?
Tae asked her
Sure let's go
They got up and went to the cafeteria
Taehyung ordered the food and they munched on it.. alright mr kim I'll be leaving now see ya tomorrow ,she said
Sure miss emaan , do u want me to drop you?
No thanks alot mr kim i leave here she said

I mean my apartment is nearby
Hmm then bye
She took her bag and was about to go when taehyung stopped her
I'll come with u , he said
Ah u? Why so? She asked him
Just to know u more

Tae chuckled , yes miss i wanna know u I'm a very frank person
Ok sure mr kim... They both left for her apartment, when they entered her apartment he heard her saying x" Asalam o alaikum"

What? He asked him
What?...emaan asked too
Are u muslim?tae looked at her
Yes i am ...tae was shocked but then shrugged it off
They both talked alot taehyung discovered that she's a Muslim and she's not from Korea

It was 11:00 pm when taehyung asked her permission to leave .
He bid her a sweet good bye and left, he was thinking about her throughout the ride he couldn't take her off his mind ,when he reached his apartment he slept like a baby ,
He woke up in the morning feel refreshing than ever this was the best sleep he had in the last three months
Wowh , strange.... I didn't see that dream last night....
It had been a week but there was no night when he saw the dream again he was sleeping more peacefully than usual

One week later

Good morning ' his phone rung with a text from emaan , an unknown smile appeared on his face
Good morninggggg " he replied.
Did u sleep well mr kim?
Yessss what about u .. he replied
Same here ..
Okay great... Are u ready?
Yes I'm waiting for you
Kk I'm coming

Tae kept the phone and got ready to go to hybe , after some time he arrived at his spot and met emaan
She was looking so elegant her fashion sense was really tae's type

Tae kept the phone and got ready to go to hybe , after some time he arrived at his spot and met emaanShe was looking so elegant her fashion sense was really tae's type

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This is what she was wearing ,
Mr kim let me show u your outfit, she said
Tae: okay sure

This is what she was wearing ,Mr kim let me show u your outfit, she saidTae: okay sure

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He changed into this outfit and they hoped in their cars for the airport

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