chapter 10

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I'm not gonna tell you where she is until she gets married , " han said brutally
Taehyung widened his eyes and fell in hans feet he started begging him " hansyukaahhh please tell me where is she i will change myself i promise i will cherish her from the bottom of my heart please tell me "

"There's no use to cherish her now , she's engaged" han said , this was the collapsing of his whole universe
Han left him there and drove off .He broke into tears it was the night of cold December, Every thing was decorated for his birthday. But taehyung felt like this was his end , that night kim taehyung died , it was drizzling  , he was on his knees crying, suddenly he uttered something which he never imagined of saying

" Ya Allah" realization hit him hard when he acknowledged the word he just said , he started to cry even harder , this was the word Emaan used to say alot
He fell in sujood and started saying it repeatedly 'Ya Allah , ya Allah , ya Allah i fell in love with her Allah give me my emaan , she used to say that u are capable of everything, bring her back if you are real,

Kim taehyung ,a man full of pride and arrogance was begging Allah to give him that girl. After that night he started to get closer to Allah , day by day he was learning about him
Day by day his faith was becoming stronger in him

He went to mosque and asked the imam
That he wants to revert ,
Imam made her sit and appreciated him for choosing islam
" Are u choosing it with your heart?"
Yes i do ' he said
You are surrending everything to your Creator are u ready? Imam asked him
If i wasn't ready i would have never came here

Alright gentleman repeat after me
"Ash -hadu an la ha illah Allah ,wa ashadu ana Muhammadan rasulALLAH"

Taehyung" Ash -hadu an la ha illah Allah ,wa ashadu ana Muhammadan rasulALLAH"
The imam hugged  him and said " welcome to islam" , thank you  taehyung smiled  , are u okay gentleman? the imam asked him again

Taehyung let out a sigh and said " Alhamdullilah but is it halal if I'm asking for someone who is already engaged? " He said making an uneasy auro on the imam
Taehyung narrated the whole story to imam and he felt kinda sad for him
To console him the imam told him that " don't worry if it's meant for you no one can separate it from you if the distance between you two are of heaven and earth" taehyung smiled at his words and then ask him again " but why did Allah remove her from my life ? If she was meant to be mine? " " Allah removed her because you were not ready her that time Allah will align your ways on his divine timing, he'll give her to you when you will be expecting it the least. "

Are you sure ? Taehyung asked him
Yes inshAAllah, if Allah has guided your tongue to make dua for it, then for sure he wants to grant it to you...either he'll bless you with something better than what has gone by. Imam patted his back

Taehyung offered his first prayer with imam in the mosque and started to cry in sujood , he couldn't stop crying he was asking Allah to align their stars together he purified himself, apologized for his sins that he committed

Ya Allah i might sound selfish but if I don't belong to her ,then you take me , I'm yours but my lord don't give her to someone else, i can't see her with someone else
He was talking to Allah like a baby , the imam was smiling at him ,he has never saw someone changing his whole personality for a girl
After offering the prayer he went out of the mosque, months were passing and taehyung was not miserable anymore because he found peace in solace with Allah ,

He left everything that was disappointing Allah, day and night he used to make one dua that was Emaan
She never left his mind and heart he was still finding her everywhere
He changed his whole identity he wasn't not kim taehyung anymore
He was Talha , Syed talha
He told his parents about reverting which was unacceptable for them , they broke every bond with him

Taehyung got very closed with the imam , he even gave him his surname
Syed Talha kabir, taehyung started a business and left music, it was finally the day when he was going to reveal it to everyone

He turned on the vlive and greeted everyone,
Hello everyone this is Syed talha kabir
I'm here to announce that I've left BTS and reverted my religion,
The. News of him reverting soon blew on every news channel, leaving the whole world in shock

In Pakistan

Emaan was making tea in kitchen with her mom , her dad was watching the news when a headline started about kim taehyung, When she heard his name she left everything and ran towards the TV lounge, Tears formed up in her eyes when she saw that he has accepted islam and now he's known as talha and not kim taehyung from BTS,
She ran towards her room and started to cry , she didn't utter a word just sobs could be heard in her room

The fact that she was about to get married in few days, broke her heart,
" Ya Allah did i make wrong decision?ya AllaH" she couldn't say anything but fell on her knees and sobbed hard
She called hansyuk, but he wasn't picking it up

She immediately ran towards washroom and made wudhu then made her way to prayer mat , and started to offer nawfil
She cried in sujood, two hearts were crying for eachother once again at same time, in korea taehyung was crying in sujood and in Pakistan emaan was crying in sujood
Both were asking Allah to write their names next to each other

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