chapter 11

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She was sitting in her room , silence was loud but only to her ears," Did i lose him forever

"Did i lose her forever?"Taehyung
" Will i never see him again?"
"Will i never see her again?"

Was i too bad for him?
Was i too bad for her?

Will someone else tell him that she loves him?
Will someone else tell her that he loves her?

Will he find comfort in someone else's embrace?
Will someone else comfort my whole universe?

Does he still loves me like i do?
Does she still loves me like i do?

What is the fate holding for us? Emaan
Are we meant to be together or we are lessons in the book of each other's lives? Taehyung

They both were saying the same things as if two souls are connected. fate was playing with them , or perhaps something was coming their way which was unseen and untold

Talha , kabir ( the imam) called him
Yes baba ( baba because he adopted him as a son after knowing that tae was disowned by his parents for accepting islam) son I've heard that you are going to Pakistan is it true? He asked him
Yes baba , for business purpose , kabir smiled at him and said " may Allah grant you success" talha got up and hugged him " shukraan baba Ameen)

He pulled off by his phone call , it was hansyuk
" Hello sir , oetteoke?"han
" I'm good han , how are you?"
I'm also good sir , can we meet?
Han asked him
"Sure why not? where?"
" Han river" he said and hung up the call

Kabir asked talha about the call and he. Told him that hansyuk wants to meet him , kabir agreed to it and talha drove off to hans river, he got off the car
And saw hansyuk waiting for him

Hansyuk , he called him from behind
Hansyuk turned around and saw talha (taehyung)
He went up to her and hugged
How are you hyung? Talha asked him
I'm good , taehyung i won't take long as I'm going somewhere today but- hansyuk said looking at talha

But? Talha asked , but before that i want to tell you that ,emaan is getting married
Hansyuk told talhawith gloomy face
She don't love him taehyung , she don't.
Hearing that taehyung heart sunk again
" My emaan?" Talha asked with teary eyes
"Yes your emaan "

Your emaan is going to marry someone who she doesn't love, han told him
Talha's eyes were full of tears
Where is she? Talha asked her
Pakistan, Islamabad

A wave of happiness rushed through his whole body when he heard that she's in Pakistan, after two years of longing and prayers he finally found her location

What are you saying han hyung? She's in Pakistan??? In Islamabad???? Ya Allah i can't believe it, he hugged han with tears of happiness he was jumping out of joy

Why are you so Happy taehyung? Han asked him
I'm also going to Pakistan hyung, to Islamabad.....

Whaat? Seriously! Let's go together
Han said and hugged him back
The purity of love can be seen in his eyes taehyung's prayers were bringing colours
But emaan , she has lost all her hopes
She was going to get married in three days

Taehyung,kabir and hansyuk landed in Pakistan, taehyung told everything to kabir and he requested his son that hw wanna go with him.

When he stepped out of the airport a peaceful wind hit his face , " I'm here emaan" he said taking a long breath
He looked at hansyuk and smiled , the took the cab and went to their respective destination, talha ( taehyung)was looking at the roads of Islamabad everything was so new for him , the atmosphere, the people, the feelings.

They stopped to offer prayer in faisal masjid hansyuk waited for him and his dad in the car , talha rose his hands and said
" There's reason behind everything, now i know,thank you for bringing me here ya Rab , the day I'll see her again will be the day when I'll feel myself in heaven on the earth, she's not just a normal girl , she's angel, she's malaika ,my malaika , the noor of my eyes, she's like the first sip of water after fasting for dusk till dawn in ramdan of hot summer, i have never seen prophet yousaf, but I've heard that women cut their fingers when they saw him, if i have to repeat the same process for someone i would repeat it for emaan , she's so beautiful, her heart , her soul ,ya Rab just give me one chance to be with her i promise i will never ever ask you for anything, beside her happiness

He completed his prayer and got up ,
Baba what is this mosque called this is so beautiful, he asked his dad
This shah faisal masjid, gifted by shah  faisal the king of saudi arabia, kabir told him while wearing his shoes . Talha
(Taehyung )was admiring the beauty of Islamabad and faisal masjid

She is as peaceful as her city. He thought to himself and hoped in the car
After sometime han called emaan
Hello emaan " he said making talha ( taehyung) look at him ,his heart started to beat faster than normal.he indicated han to put the phone on speaker
And he did it

" Han where are you?" Emaan asked han
Hearing her voice after two ears made him cry . Han asked her for location and she guided him finallly they reached her home , the glass of car was tinted so she couldn't see that who is inside

Han called her and told her to come outside , talha (taehyung) body started to tremble and his heart was beating faster again he was waiting for her to come outside the door opened revealing
The most beautiful lady he has ever saw in his entire life , his emaan
Talha ( wasn't blinking he wanted to run to her and hold her in his embrace but he  didn't do it he was looking at her
While tears were streaming down his face

Han got out of the car and greeted emaan , her contiguous smile was not the same as it used to be. She wa sad , he could read her face

They went inside and kabir asked the driver to drop them in their farm house

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