chapter 4

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Tae was tapping on the table while Ashley was admiring him ,he moved toward the balcony and placed his hands on the window looking outside
He heard a door handle twisting he looked back and saw emaan wearing a light green long gown ,with loose curls and some simple yet elegant makeup, her pink nude lipstick shade was complementing her skin tone and dress colour , taehyung looked at her from top to bottom with nothing but admiration in his eyes

while Ashley raised her eyebrow showing how jealous she got o her even though Ashley herself was looking beautiful, but her jealousy raised her insecurities she looked away and said " shall we go now?" " Yeah let's go emaan should we go or do u need something?" Taehyung asked , nnch what would she need at this moment Ashley tilted her head , Did i ask you? Taehyung said, um mr kim i think we should be leaving already we're getting late i don't need anything, ..emaan said grabbing their attention,

Sure taehyung smiled at her, taehyung signaled Ashley to go , with that they left for the party , taehyung asked Ashley to sit in the front seat while "ah Ashley you won't mind sitting in front?" Ashley stopped and looked at him " is anything gonna

change even if i mind ? " " no" he brutally said making aena chuckle Ashely gave them the " whatever " look and hoped in the front seat , taehyung opened the car door for emaan and allowed her to sit first "Thank you" she smiled at him " your welcome" he said and went to the other side of the car after hoping in he huffed and ran his fingers through his hair and looked at her with his boxy smile she smiled back , but someone was already cringing on them , ashly. ... She cursed emaan under her breath " bitch "

....emaando u like my music ? Taehyung suddenly asked her , because he wanted to talk to her she laughed and said " i don't really like it" hahahahahha " Ashley laughed from front seat , taehyung looked at both of them and said " yeah not everyone has good taste " emaan and Ashley laughed again , no I'm just kidding i like your music but not all of them it's not just My type, emaan said covering herself up

... Yeah yeah as i said not everyone has good taste , taehyung said again.... " Yeah because they have best taste " aena spoke back., so what's your type? Tae asked her , um i don't know i listen to music according to my mood so there's not any specific type that i like, ...Ohhhhh taehyung said
Aena nodded indicating yesss

They reached at the location after sometime three of them got off the car
Taehyung asked them to go inside before him Ashley didn't wait for aena and fastly made her way towards the entrance aena was about to go when the fabric of her dresss got stuck in the car's door she tried to give it rid but she couldn't taehyung looked at her and realized that she's having trouble with her dress he went up to help her , without caring about the 100 of cameras flashing on him

Wait" he asked the driver who was about to leave , within few trials he succeed , here you go lady , he said with a smile , Thank u sir emaan warmly said .... let's go
Taehyung signaled her they both went inside together , after getting in they met with other people ,taehyung introduced aena to his friends , i wonder where are the other members he said looking for BTS ,i think over there emaan signalled towards BTS , Oh lemme meet them do u wanna come ? Taehyung asked her , Yeah sure let's go...

They went up to them " ANnyeonghaseo hyung" BTS looked at tae " Oh taehyung Anyeong annyeong" " what's up bro" jin and nam Joon said I'm good how are you guys? He asked them " we're good " jimin replied ,and she is? Suga asked indicating towards emaan....

Ah she's emaan , my new stylist Taehyung said ,Ohh so she's the one manager was talking about hello miss aena nice to meet you , Jungkook said , Hello" aena simply greeted them , so how are you? Hobi asked emaan , I'm good thank you " she replied with a warm smile

"Nice to hear that " he said , they all started to talk aena got along with them
Emaan mind going us and meet our friends? Namjoon asked her ..Ah no you can go tysm for your time she said , tell me if u need anything, rest here... taehyung said before leaving " sure" she said

She was looking at all the people she once saw on the screen she smiled to herself and sipped on her drink , I think this colour doesn't suits you someone said grabbing her attention, It was han emaan rolled her eyes and said , Did anyone ask for your opinion? She said , nO like i don't need someone to ask for my opinion i give it for free you know sometime people don't have enough brain to ask for opinion , he said

Emaan made a weird face and looked at him "Do u think you look cool while saying such stupid stuff mr jesus" Han laughed and said "gurl I'm not jesus my name is han " yeah whatever she rolled her eyes , well well well i was just kidding you are looking beautiful

Emaan looked at him and said " i know "
Can u be just nice for few seconds miss? Han said " No" emaan replied
Alright then , he nervously rubbed his palms together, emaan looked at him and said "so you are jungkook's stylist?" Han : Yes? And what's wrong with that?
Emaan: i didn't say that something is wrong with that i just asked you. And i think that I've told you that I'm his stylist, han looked at emaan ,they both smiled at each other .That night han and aena got along they talked so much , emaan realized that han is such a sweetheart. They both were talking when someone interrupted

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