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I was deeply thinking about how to find his whereabouts. During the mission once we used his personal number. I sent his number to our resource and asked him to check the last few months locations of that number. Within few minutes, we got the details that his number was active near the Nanmangalam reserve forest. We decided to confirm the things from our side first. 

We took Sandeep's two wheeler and left the bike before 100 meters. We walked through but haven't got anything suspious or threatening. I had a very bad feeling as we forwarded inside the forest. Within next few steps, we found a separate village inside the forest. There were nearly 20 houses. We hid ourselves behind the bushes there. 

Sundeep took me little far from the place and told, " Ram, I am recording all these in my camera, it will be directly recorded in my personal drive and it can be accessed from anywhere with the right password, and the Password is "14AUGUST", Incase if I am struck here never think of saving me think about saving the mission we took. Sandeep took his phone out and started to record things. We started to sneak in. The things we saw through windows of each house made us tremble.

They were using little kids to make the drug packing. We advanced with the recording, suddenly we heard a loud crying and followed by that a girl of 10 to 12 years came out without any piece of dress on her. She was shouting and asking for help and mercy. Sundeep lowered his camera, not willing to record those inhuman things. "Let's leave from here," I murmured and pulled him along toward the point from where we entered. 

We somehow returned back from that place with all the incidents recorded. Sundeep spoke, "Ram I remember one of the kid who was packing there, She was selling plastic things in the Adayar Signal. We thought this is only drug but this is child trafficking. How heartless these fellows are" his eyes were all red. He was totally emotional. I totally understood him, he is a father of a girl child. We traveled back to his house and we were welcomed by Aadvik and Jaya.

"Hey, weren't you guys left yesterday.", Sundeep asked. "Yes we left, but we heard that Gugan was found murdered. I thought something was not right. Called Aadvik to return back"Spoke Jaya and Aadvik spoke the rest, "We first visited our spot you guys were not there, so we guessed you will be in Sundeep's house. We were not wrong." Sundeep spoke, "Guys, It's just not the drug dealing. They were using children for packing the drugs. They are involved in girl child trafficking. We are having enough evidence against the big fish. We four are going to the head quarters and finishing this today" As he was speaking his phone rang. 

His face flushed the second, he heard the other side. He made the phone in speaker. "Rey, officers. What you guys thought,I will not find that you guys came inside my empire. I know all your moves from the moment Sundeep had a doubt on me. Mr.Ram, the person who came as your driver today morning was my person, I thought you were just suspecting me, but I didn't expect that you guys  will find my place. I accidentally caught you guys on the camera." As he was saying, Sundeep interrupted, " See, we are not afraid of you. We are going to send the evidence to the department." As Sundeep said this, "On the other side he started to laugh, "oh poor Sundeep, you are talking this furious it means you don't know what happened to your wife and daughter yet." Sundeep's face changed, "What you did to them,".  We heard cries of Sundeep's wife's voice. "Why don't you ask your wife ?" He moved the phone away.

"Rathna, Rathna..."Sundeep shouted. "Sundeep, come fast, they are ill treating her ra, I can only hear her shouts and cries, please ra, come soon..." even before she finished her sentence he grabbed the phone and spoke,  "Very simple Sundeep, your daughter is now naked with hunger eyes crawling around here. If you guys are not running to my place in next 1 hour, your daughter will became feast for every single person here." I spoke in anger, " You heartless, she is a kindergarten kid ra. Leave her from this. We will be there in 1 hour, you can do whatever you want with us. Just leave Sundeep's family out of this" . "I just want you four in my place in next one hour, next minute they will be released." he disconnected the call.

We acted immediately. We started towards the forest. I did a grave mistake, I took his device and tried to copy the file to my phone's memory card, when I copied it was only 1 video but three videos were copied in" I opened the new one, I am a worst person in the world. The video was of Sundeep's daughter being tortured. another video of him speaking without showing his face, "I have already hacked all your devices, trying to act smart results like this".

Jaya who was driving, was constantly consoling us. We went inside that row of houses. We four were dragged separately and were injected with something. Last thing I remembered was seeing Sundeep's wife and daughter leaving the room. I lost my conscious. When I opened my eyes, I found other three were hanging with their hands tied to the rope just like me. They three were also in half conscious."Sundeep" I called. He tried hard to open his eyes. "Ram, We lost this mission." He spoke hastily. "Not yet, until we have last inch of life sticking to us we will try to bring the truth out." I spoke encouraging him.

The Big Fish came inside the room. His lips curled down looking our conditions. "Just kill us, what you want?' Jay spoke. The one thing he asked, made us think our death is better than doing that.

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