#35 Good Deeds

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The rat which got in our cage on that day is “Gowthami”, the student from the same university as “Mishara, Jason and Jordan”. On the CCVTV we placed, her face was not visible. But when she was trying to open the cupboards for searching the samples we made, her hand with a tattoo of G drawn inside a burning heart was visible. She tried to open all the cupboards. Unfortunately, she got alerted with my phone making some notification sound constantly. I missed to keep my phone in silent. 

These guys also received the notification that someone new is moving inside the view of CCTV we placed. They also stayed quiet until she makes some stupidest activity. But we missed her there.

Elders always say the righteous person always will get the support from god at right time. We were generally talking about the safety security system of the university. We got up with an idea and checked where all the CCTV is implanted on the buildings. They don’t have any near our hostel, but one was there on the lawn where our notes were burnt.

Getting permission from the committee, we got the footage of the day, and got to see the girl with same tattoo on the footage.
When we ourself was thinking who was that, Jason himself declared that is Gowthami’s hand and after that through Mishara I came to know she is ex-lover of Jason. Now I guess the motive of her is to spoil the project of her ex.
as she was the one behind that, the committee considered her teams work and provided the certificates to he team members.

When Gowthami was declared to be disqualified, Jason was crying silently.( Let’s have this story as a short story in next  up coming weeks)
It’s not easy to see our loved one’s fall, that too in Jason’s case he also had a hate on himself for loving such a heartless girl. We helped him to cheer up as we have party tomorrow. Even I was in a happy mood that we won the award as Jason challenged Varun sir.

That night we all were sitting in the lawn discussing about our next step in our carrier. Suddenly Yamini got up from her place and then only we saw Varun sir was standing there with a sad face.
“I am sorry guys; I have hurt you all in many ways. Mainly I insulted you more Yazhini. Sorry Yazhini”

“Sir, no sir. I understood your condition on the day I heard your personal side. It’s fine sir.” I honestly said those.
“Just tell me guys what you want from this arrogant professor as a cost of not guiding you. I can arrange 1 yr of junior scientist in the top research institutes. Ask me anything.” he said, we know what he is capable of. He has his power on all the institutes as most them has his students as head now.
We all smiled at each other and other 4 signaled me to ask anything. Partly they know what I will ask.

“If you want to do something for us kindly please call your son and daughter-in-law and forgive them.”
“8 years I was living alone not giving up on my arrogance, just because my son married a girl from Tamil Nadu, who was not even able to answer my simple questions on the basics of Chemistry. When asked my son, he was clear that he need someone to take care of us but not an expert in chemistry. Not even giving them another chance, I threw them on road. When I saw you here, I got a fear that you may change my mindset that I am wrong about Tamilnadu education. But you proved me wrong. I will sure search my son and go along with him for rest of my life. Thank you Yazhini” he finished with a few tears rolling down on his wrinkled skin

Hearing his words I felt good. Somewhere I am doing good deeds wherever I go. My team stood behind me with a proud smile. Varun sir left after enquiring about my hand burns and also promised to help whenever we ask for.
We took some group selfies, sharing the photos to each other. We were enjoying the day end happily.
We know that tomorrow is the last day here in the universities after that, we all have to return to our respective university to finish our degree. We all had dreams to taking the chemistry uses to all the people around the world. Also we had a motto to eliminate the disaster that some chemicals caused.
Everyone was ready to serve in one field they are good at, but our common love is Chemistry and Materials. Hope we will meet in future for more interesting experience.
We also planned to meet each other on a common day. Friendship is different but the professionals with same motto and dedication is definitely a good blessed one.
Bidding them bye, I just sat on one of the stone benches opposite to my room.
Even in the busy hurry works, I never missed to call him, his romance is getting high every next day, I even doubt that is this collector is going to some romance tuition now a days??!!!. His love and craziness for me is making me fall for him everyday. Even before getting married, if he is going to  be this much romantic, what is my condition after 2 months.
Really this distance meade me to think about him and US more…
Thinking deeply about him, I missed to run along with my watch which was showing 12.30AM.

I started to move towards the room.
But I was not ready for the next shock waiting for me in the room.

Yazhini Sundaram

Being a teacher is very tough sometimes....
As final exams fever was going on, your writer was little indulged with my naughty students who hate exams....

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