10#Her Decision👍👎....

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Closing the door, placing the bag and papers on the shelf....

I slowly leaned on the window side, looking at the Neem tree.....

Tears started flowing,
I know, My heart can't take the decision which my Brain took......

I know, it's hurting to leave him....
But I don't want to be like this....
Thinking about him always.....
Sometimes getting locked in his thoughts....

I hate myself for this dynamic thoughts......

I sat there just below the window side.....

I just wish to return back to normal,
I don't want to loose what I was,
Simultaneously, I wish not to leave the beautiful change that happened in my heart......

Fighting with myself, I dozed off.....

When I woke up, it was nearly 3.00 am....

I started with the notes for Juniors and Made it perfect without errors....

I felt tiered,I felt very weak....
May be due to starving....

I opened the door, to see my brother sleeping just near my door with a book and 2 apples near him.

May be he was waiting for me, not wasting time he was reading....
Unknowingly he would have slept, he never stays awake after 11....

My lovely brother, I tapped his shoulders slowly......

He struggled with his eyes, once he came to senses, he glared at me.....

I gave a sorry look,
He gave a warning sign and gave me the apples....

"Thank you Yokesh...."

"Throw your thank you in near dustbin and kindly don't talk to me...."

I sat next to him and got a bite from Apple....

"But why???", I asked keeping the first bite in mouth....

"Because I hate stupids who take permanent decision for temporary Problem....." He said in strong voice and left me alone there ...

Is that a temporary problem, Nooooo.......
If this marriage continues I will loose my all my perfection........

I slowly walked to terrace and found the moon alone as like me.......

I wish to delete the last few weeks from my life....
I hate this imperfect me....

But is the words of Yokesh true????,
Am I taking permanent decision for Temporary problem????

With the raise and fall of my doubts and clarity, Sun raised with Moon fall......

Got ready and left to college...

I stood out for that professor's class..
Miserable condition....
Last hour I had meeting with principal regarding the alumini meeting....

What she said made me shock...

"Yazhini, our old student Ram is now the collector of Nammakal, we are calling him specially and you should go to invite him, you can take Kadambari if you want someone to accompany you,"

"Nooo,I will go alone....., no issues...."
More than meeting him it's hard to resist her presence for more than hour....

She shrugged her shoulders and gave me a next set of shock....

"You are going tomorrow morning, "

"Mam, we haven't prepared the invitation yet, and we also need time to prepare banners and all....."

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