#31 Team

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The medicine, I applied last night showed some effect...

The burnt looked little good now, I wore a comfortable clothing for lab works..

Having the breakfast, I noticed everyone is having a look on me.

Something weird, may be because of yesterday night scene happened during dinner...

My team came to Food hall, as I was having the last bite of my food. I bid them bye and reached the lab and started with my general notes which I used to have before starting the practical ones.

I missed Rakshita more now, she is such an wonderful partner....

Time started to roll, I was expecting my team and also Varun sir, If he approves the ideas we can start as We team planned.

Unfortunately Varun sir came first, He was looking little better compared to yesterday night.

I wished him Good morning!, he showed a small gesture to me.

I awaited for my team..., Every minute alone with him made me little nervous.

I even imagined, What if he throws acid on my face...

I can even tolerate the acid, but not his pointless stupid scoldings....

I was slowly walking here and there, with the plans we made yesterday and derivations and reactions I wrote today morning.

After a bad 15 minutes, they came laughing at something.

Their smile stopped as I gestured them Varun sir is in...

They greeted him, Good Morning.

pointing no one specific, he asked " Is idea ready?"

I signaled him my notes,

Jason replied him, "Yes sir, notes are ready even the reactions formulas are written...

Hope to start in few minutes if you approve"

He turned to Jason, "Written?, who said all the written formulas and reactions work practically..."

"Sir, it's a general idea we thought to do, if something wrong happens we can get help from the written copies right sir!" Jordan helped in explaining things.

I was continuously praying god, " No one should tell that Its my idea, if so he defiantly won't give the approval"

"General Idea, or anyone's special idea", His words rang in my ears and all my blood started to get pale...

"Sir, it was Yazhini's idea" Yamini said,

Jordan, gave a stern look to her.

She also gave a helpless look...

I took a deep breath and got ready for getting scolds...

He smiled, "ok, then everyone follow what she do. Hope you don't need a guide!"

I thought of acting immediately,

"Sir, We discussed things but haven't took decision. We were waiting for your approval. A good team always needs a best head like you"

"Who said you are a good team...?" he made a funny face, which was seriously not a funny time to do.

" Sir, take everything I spoke as wrong, I am at error. Please sir, we don't want to miss you. Please guide us sir. We are here for the lessons for the life with this chemistry we love. Please sir. Sorry sir"

"Oh, with two please and sorry, You think you can get me as guide???" his harsh words again,I seriously felt like crying.

Seeing my face, Jordan came for my support. " Sir we think we are good team because, we all are alike with our area of interest. It's your duty to help us. There is no room for blaming a team mate for proposing a idea, that too even before trying it or analyzing it"

His next words really made us feel bad," Hearing ideas of some stupid student from a idiotic university, can't be entertained here, and I have rights to choose whether I wish to help you or not"

This time Yamini tried explaining, "Sir, without even speaking with her for more than 10 minutes, how can you frame her as stupid student sir. Please try to understand sir. It was just a starting idea. We were waiting for your approval."

"No need of words, I choose not to help you. You do whatever she says. I am leaving" his rude words again.

Jason who looked little offended nearly gave an answer in the same rude way," Then, we too choose not to beg you anymore, with the idea of her we will work and we will get that award Best Project of the Camp. You can leave. We will inform the university board regarding this, also will file a complaint how you humiliated a girl using her place of education. Will meet you in the enquiry, Come on guys, let's go." He called us all and in a force of talking they even dragged me along into the lab, leaving that stubborn old man out.

" Guys, I am ..."before I can tell something, Jason spoke" Yazhini, we our self know why he is behaving like this to you. A person who takes the personal things to profession is not a worth full for your begging. I trust we are the best team and we can do this project alone. What you guys say" he asked the remaining two.

They both gave a thumbs up!!, I prayed god to give me power to keep all this trust on me fruitful..

We started with some basic ideas, which we thought of asking review to Varun sir. Within evening, we nearly found we need some changes to the plans. All got tiered of constant smokes and heat inside the Lab. We planned to go out for some fresh air. Jason and Mishara went to buy some snacks, Myself, Yamini and Jordan made our way towards the lawn, which had good green plants also some stone benches. I remembered my phone and took it out...A forward message from Rakshita made me smile. From no where Jordan asked, " Where is your fiancée", I gave a surprise look, how he got to know??!!, Reading my face he said,"Last night, when visited you, you told me you were talking with your fiancée,

I remembered the moment and replied him " ya ya, He is there in Tamilnadu only, nearly 1 hr from my native."

"Oh you are engaged?" asked Yamini. I nodded in agreement. "I thought intelligent girls are single" she told with some smile..

"That's true,but strong intelligent girls are engaged with a man who helps her to showcase her intelligence to the world"I replied with a smirk.

You are not only the girl with chemistry but also wit if words..." Jordan clapped his hands...

Other 2 came, we had tasty snacks. Back to work, we finished with the basic idea. It was 15% success. With the satisfaction we left the lab at nearly 7.30.

Coming back to hostel, I enquired the nearest Xerox shop  for our need  and moved to dinner hallAfterdinner, having some good talk with Athaan my sleep embraced me...

Yazhini Sundaram

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