#41 Not Again

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Yazhini P.O.V.

Hearing the love story of my Harish brother, I feel bad for accepting a arranged marriage....
Still there is a sweetness in this too....

They are wandering around us, but sharing some romantic looks....
As per the story told by Meenakshi anni, they are yet to propose....
I am waiting eagerly for that day to happen......

Shreesha Anni looks sooo cute and innocent, really I am feeling happy for going to have her in our family soon, When I was thinking about this I received a call from Ram.

Ram P.O.V

Life doesn't always shower you love and kindness..... Sometimes it behaves heartless and cruel.....

But this is the extreme, it could threw on that innocent girl.....
Is there any rule,
A girl who knows nothing other than love and studies should always be slapped with insults and bullying....
A girl who wishes and dreams big should always be punished for that....

Why dear god!!!??? What sin did she done to you....
Thinking these my eyes automatically started to shed tears....

How am I going to confess this to her, will she be able to handle this, I dont want to break her again, but she should know this because this is going to get exploded soon.....

I first called Goutham anna and asked his opinion on this, his point was the same...
I took my phone and dialled her number....

As soon as she picked the call, she wished me Good Evening!
Unable to reciprocate the same, I straight away came to point.....

"I Wish to tell you one important thing, before that you answer me few questions"
She replied "Sure"

Conversation went as below...

Me : Is there anyone named John in your class? 
She : Yes,  he is good in Inorganic chemistry, and at present he is doing a project on adulteration. What's for him? do you need any help of him in your works? But he is in not studying in our college, he got transferred to some other college in Andhra Pradesh in 2nd year itself.
Me : No Yazhini, How much you know about him?
She : I know how much he is dedicated towards Chemistry, he always used to help me and Rakshita with our doubts?

Me : Have he ever tried to misbehave or flirt with you?
She : No, but why this enquiry on him now...

Now I know I have to handle things carefully now, orelse she will be effected on this more...

Me : I already told you right, I have to tell an important thing to you?
She : Yes, But what does that have to do with my class mate, John?
Me : You thought him as a classmate, but he feels you as his love of life.
She : What, don't make pranks Athaan, its been 3 years I spoke with him. 
Me : No, According to him, You are talking to him daily. 
She : No Athaan. I am not getting anything straight. Explain me what happened now?
Me : Promise me, That you will you trust me always.
She : I always trust you over all my six senses, tell me what it is!
Me: Some one who got to know that you are not in facebook, opened a Fake account on your name with your photos and updates.
She : What, really, without a real identity they can open an account?
Me : All the informations in your fake account matches you 100%.
She : What does that do with the enquiry on John to me?
Me : According to John, It was you who is speaking withh daily with that Facebook Id. He proposed you in two years before, and as per the conversation history you and he are deeply in love with each other . 

Yazhini P.O.V.

Hearing what he said, I felt dizzy. I gripped the side of my cot and sat on floor.
I felt the whole world around me getting collapsed, My eyes started to form a illusion like the roofs and walls are falling over me. 
His voice in phone, bought me back.
"Ram , Tell me what can I do now?" I asked not knowing what to do....
This is not the first time,It happens whenever I am flying high with the clouds of love. Why people want to steal my happiness, When all I have is love, why people present me hate, Why Ram?
This time, I am not going to cry at a room corner. I want to finish all these now, within this night I want to finish all these. "
I heard nothing in reply but that deep silence in the next side, purely tells how much he is relieved that I am not affected this time, instead chose to fight.
" Yazhini, I found where he lives. I already sent Prabhu over there to talk with him. Also found the ip address from where these messages went. Hope you know who it is!"
"Nandhini, why don't she understand. Why she wants to spoil my name again and again."
" It's not a revenge this time!............"
The remaining thing he told me, made me feel for her pity. Let the god decide what to give her.
All we are afraid is now, what that guy John gonna do. Is he going to accept the truth or he is going fight for the virtual world he loved.
God save me from this.

Ram P.O.V. 
As I started to speak with her, I asked Vijay to start the car towards Salem. In case of emergency, I should be there for her. After hearing her statement I really felt better, Still I planned to visit her brothers to inform them, I take this very serious as he is the only son of the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister. 
I called them out and informed. As they heard they got very tensed and even Harish suggested ti take help from shreesha's father who is a big business shot in Andhra Pradesh. I asked him to wait, if the situation is going out of hand we can go with that option. I also promised them, I always trust their dear sister and It will stay even after the moon's back is explored.
They gave a satisfied look, a gave a all the best wishes and returned.

I pray god that my girl will sleep on peace tonight, instead of thinking much. 
I stood there just under her room window, seeing her staring at the neem tree as usual, whenever she feels down, she stands there at the window to see the neem tree, as it will help her to find the solution. From her school days she is having the same habit. only because of this, I have a same sized Neem tree in my house and it can be clearly seen from our room.

She should never miss anything, when we move in there. Her books, her room things, pillow, Bedsheets everything which is close to her. Only thing I can't move in there is her family. But I trust I can give her the love which she got from them. 

I love her, not just her skin or the colour, but for the man whom I have became from her words and for the colours she gave for the once blind man. 
I feel responsible for her, not just because she did some thing to me in my past. I strongly believe  it is the reason Why I have been made on this earth.
Whatever  bad happens around her, 
Whoever bad surround her, 
However bad the world throw on her,
It is not her who faces it first, It was/is/will always be me who stands infront of her. 
It's a promise on the benches, chairs, black board which stood as the witness for the second I fell in love with her.
It's a promise on the sky, trees, flowers which travelled along with me, When I followed her daily...
it's a promise on the heart which skips a beat seeing her near,
It's a promise on the nights which always carries the dream of her to sleep,
It's a promise on all the second of my life which she gave for me......

Love you Yazhini, Love you my Hiltler Sweet.....

Nothing can take you away from me, CM or PM or God no one can take you away from me nor my love....

Moving me to present, my phone rang....
Its a call from Prabhu??!!!!!

Thank you for reading my words dear Reader!

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