14# Is he stupid....

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Work started, still we haven't found anything specific.....

It found to be a normal food grade material.....

My phone started to ring....
It's Harish Anna, I signalled Rakshita to take care of the heating process and came out taking the phone......

He asked for my studies and also about my Mr.Groom....
But later what he said, raised my anger to the peak....

I just said yes yes and said I am busy with works and disconnected the call....

"Mr. Collector you are done today.....",
I made a angry note to my mind, and entered in,

Finding Rakshita struggling alone, I got diverted to work.....

Nothing interesting today,
But time flew in jiffy....

Prabhu anna said, he will drop Rakshita, but uncle came to pick her, to our relief....

After Rakshita left, I had some doubts with few experiments done, I entered in and continued.....

Unexpectedly, the compound in the beaker started to fume but I was holding it near to my face expecting a color change....

Sudden fumes struck my breath and eyes started to get irritated....

Beaker fall down and I began to cough badly....

As beaker fall down, my senses warned me not to move as I left the shoes in discussion room, wearing only the socks....

Fuming began to slow down, but I started to loose my senses.....

Before I inhale more of it, I felt someone dragging me out safely from back....

I felt water being sprinkled on my face, getting to my sense, I found him standing infront of me, with a concerned face....

For a second I felt happy to see him, but after rewinded what he did, my anger raised again....

I gave him a angry glare....

I ignored his face which showed that he is clueless.....

Stupid stupid....I scolded him under my breath.....

Anger never helps us to be clever.....

I moved to the fallen beaker to clean the same....but I forgot the thing, that it's stilll fuming......

I started to cough again and he pulled me back into his arms....

I turned to him, showing a angry face....
He gave me a stubborn face....

And nearly dragged me out of lab....

He gave me water, and I thought of drinking, but he stopped my hands and said "first clean your mouth and then drink water...."

Ya he is correct!!!

I cleaned my mouth and had some water, still I felt some bitterness in mouth.....

He is correct, but not all the times...
My mind gave a point, obvious correct!!!!

I stood there what to do now,

I am angry on him,...
Simply I am angry....

"May I know why my wife's face is looking like tomato without any of my actions...." He took a step towards me...

I showed my hands, asking him to stop....
I know if he come near, I can't continue this anger....

I also know, what *actions* he can take!!!

"What sin I did, for this punishment"he mentioned the distance between us....(believe me it was just 3 feets in middle)

"All the things you did is sin,and absolutely wrong"

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