25#Chemistry Professor and Darling Collector!!!

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It's 6.30am, I came to the entrance of Yazhini's home,
Just one or two days I have to stay here,

But I love this stay, but equally I am afraid of my Hitler Sweet,
You may wonder why I am afraid,

I am pretty sure, one thing in the below 2 is going to happen,

I am distracted from works because of her


She gets distracted from her studies because of me....

both things are dangerous as My Hitler Sweet is completely against imperfection in career....

God has to save me.....

My prayer got distracted (started already), with her voice echoing the whole house...

She is chasing Yokesh by shouting his name...

Aunt and uncle are enjoying the scenario

Seeing me near door, aunt invited me in and their "run and chase" came to halt...

She gave me a full smile, and that is enough for the whole days charm...., Yokesh came to me helping in my one single bag and a laptop bag..

He got the bag from and took it to a room in the ground floor, which was just next to uncle aunt room...

I know, that's her brother Harish room...

Hitler sweet bough me some hot water,
She is behaving that casual with me, no shy no nervous nothing, a normal behavior.....

I dropped her and Yokesh in the college bus stop....

First Yokesh got down and then she, she signaled me to get down...

She came closer to me and murmured slowly that only I can hear,
"Get ready for the surprise my darling collector"

Is she for real, or I am dreaming....

I pulled her hands decreasing the distance between us!

I am waiting "my Chemistry Professor" her eyes widened on my response...
I left her hands and leaned on the car....

The whole bus stop is staring us at....Including Yokesh...

I am not responsible, it's she who started that..
I was smiling the whole day,
At the end of the day,
I also got some file works....

Returning back at 7.30, I found the house to be very silent......

I closed the door back and moved to the room, where I got ready today morning....

Entering in the room, I found it to be dark...., Something golden was twinkling......
As I am new to the room, slowly to him the walls I found the switch,
My luck in the second switch light glowed....

The room is looking beautiful with the golden stars and moon hanging in the golden beads.....

They are shining in the window sides..
There is a plate covered with golden cloth....

Her handwriting is the beautiful one, which is as clear as her thoughts and ideas.....

"Mr. Collector's evening tiffin is waiting in his wife's room,
Do visit
- Yazhini Sundaram

She loves to cook but will not be having enough time to do that.....

May be today, she was free.....

I turned to the door to find what special she prepared for me.....

But there was another sweet note kept on the door top...

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