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Yazhini P.O.V.

Something is off about Yoki and mom, It looks like Yoki is trying to behave normal and mom is highly trying to avoid him. We had our dinner and I relished some of favorites mom bought from Salem. When all left to sleep, Ram waiting for me as I am still trying to finish my turmeric milk. "Ammu, What are you thinking so deeply at this time?. Finish your milk you will take a 10 minutes walk and we can go to sleep." as Ram said and I voiced out my thought about mom and Yoki. 

Ram gave a little laugh, "Ammu, it's very simple. It seems like Yoki is having a love story running along and he messed up with her. unfortunately she came to your mother complaining about Yoki and now Yoki is in trouble." As he said my eyes gone wide. This Yoki never keep things away from me, He is changed in this past 5 months of my marriage. Small tears made its way out and he got tensed.

"What happened ammu, see its a simple thing. You can call Yoki even now and he will talk with you. Why are crying in these things. Crying is not good for our baby da." As he spoke, I wiped off my tears and finsihed the remaining milk and turned to him, "I am dealing with Yoki now and then I will come to sleep. Come with me." He laughed seeing my terror expressions. "Today is really a bad day for Yoki da" He said and walked along with me. 

Mom and Yoki are staying in the guest room in downstairs near the Kitchen and when we came to knock the door, Yoki was drinking water in the kitchen. I waved my hand asking him to come out.He came out with a long face. "I thought of coming to you, but thinking that you may be tiered I left the idea." He said. "I am not tiered, come for a walk with us." I dragged him out to the backyard. 

Now Yoki is walking between us. "Yazhini, at the last day of the semester exam my class mate Kadambari proposed me" Yokesh started to tell his love story.

Author P.O.V.

When Kaadambari proposed Yokesh had nothing special in his mind and so he asked for little time to think about this. Kaadambari accpeted his space and left giving her phone number to him. She was texting me occasionally and eventually Yokesh got to know about her. 

Yokesh spoke about this to his mother and She said she wants to meet Kaadambari. Yokesh called her to visit his home and she came with her father. While introducing itself Kaadambari introduced Yokesh as "Daddy, he is the one I am in love with for past 3 years and I am waiting for his response." Yokesh nearly choked on hearing still managed top welcome her dad and Kaadambari inside. Malar was already waiting for them and greeted them in. Kaadambari came tokitchen with Malar helping her with the tea and bajji, while Yoki was struck with the non stalk talks of Kadambari's father. 

When they left, Malar was so impressed with Kaadambari and she also said to her father that she is so happy to inivite Kadambari as her daugther in law. This is the point Yoki got the fear that he is been pushed into this relationship without his own wish. The same day evening, Kaadambari  invited Yokesh to meet her in her near temple and Yokesh went to meet her with lot of questions running in his mind. When they met, Kaadambari reveled that her father wants to get her married soon as per her horoscope. So she said about her love for Yokesh. Morning meet gave a good impression of Yokesh to her father. Now they want to have a marriage date fixed and this made Yokesh fear more. Not showing anything to Kaadambari he said he will talk with his mother.

When he came home and said this to his mother, Malar rejoiced much. But she failed to notice the fits of confusion in Yoki's face. Yokesh was not sure about his idea on Kaadambari. She was nothing more to a classmate for past 4 years and when she proposed on the last day, he really did thought about giving this a chance. Even while chatting with her, he felt good in sharing things with her. But Yokesh has a big question infront of him, is this weeks of conversation is enough to take this thing to marriage?. He really didn't want to break Kaadambari's heart nor take this relationship to next step without any self realization. 

In next few days giving himself sometime, Yokesh felt that he has something special for her. He realized that she loved him for past 3 years but waited for his studies to get over so he can decide things in peace. She has always thought about his career and his space. Suddenly everything got changed around him with the spell of love. Kaadambari visited himconstantly but always when Malar is in home. But Yokesh never spoke out his love to Kaadambari. He was enjoyed seeing her when she was not looking at him, He collected her favorites secretly behind her, He even bought those and I gave to her through Malar whenever she came to visit. malar understood that Yoki is in Love. 

Things were going fine, but the twist came in a way when Kaadambari's aunty wished to meet Yoki. Malar got an meeting and the situation turned up like Yoki has to visit Kaadambari's house alone. First time visiting her house made him feel tensed. When he came, Kaadambari along with her father invited him in. He gave the pack of fruits he bought while coming here. 

Kaadambari's aunt was not giving smiles to him but glares. He was really nervous but Kaadambari sat next to him held his hand making him feel relaxed. Though he enjoyed her nearness still he could sense of hate from her aunt. They had lunch together and Kaadambari took him to her room. He saw that her room was filled with some of his things, His sports shirt, His engineering drawings and even his photo was painted as portrait there. He felt how much she loved him. He himself took her in a hug and it was a surprise for Kaadambari.

Story took a bad turn, when Kaadambari's aunt broke in the room without notice and they were standing there hugging each other. Kaadambari was not distubed with her aunt but Yoki was totally tensed. "This is not right pa, visiting a girl's home and behaving like this is not fair" when her aunt spoke like this, Yokesh without thinking anything said, "Sorry" and left the arm of Kaadambari which was holding to him strongly.

This is the mistake he done, this irked Kaadambari. She straightaway came to Malar complaining him. Her statements were clear. She loves Yokesh. When he pulled her himself for a hug it's totally a special thing and it has nothing wrong in it. When someone questions their closeness it needs to be clarified instead asking sorry for the same is something which questions the love they have. Kaadambari finally said, if he atleast have something for her he would have not asked for a sorry. She left broken and for this now Malar is breaking Yoki every second.

Hearing all this Yazhini broke into laugh and Ram began to think about his love which is just like Kaadambari's love for Yoki.

Meanwhile, Nandhini reached Nammakal and stayed in hotel. She was eager to meet her friend and ask for the sorry. But she herself doesn't know, she is going to reveal big things to Yazhini tomorrow. 

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