#40 Something wrong

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The invitation works are done within 2 weeks as we are not having many relations, 
Even Yazhini's side finished the works as they are having a big set of friends set from Harish side....

I badly wished to visit her again, I could imagine how much glowing she will be now with all the rituals done by now.....
Now a days I am not even able to sleep well at nights, thinking about the day she is going to enter this home as my wife.....
It s not the only reason for my sleepless nights also the thought of telling her about the truths about me and my love for her from my school days.....

Gautham anna called me one night and we spoke for more than one hour, all he asked me is about when I am going tell her the truths of my past.. He always wanted me to tell the truths to her as she deserves to know how she unknowingly changed a persons life into heaven, also he feels that even I deserve to be loved more......

Let me try in this week, as I am going to visit salem for arranging some food list....
I am longing to see her, same time I started to develop some fears regarding this marriage...


Travel towards Salem is always special, it always brings vibes of love... but today it feels little bad today....
When I walked in their home, I found to dash on a girl who was running towards me facing other side....
Wait it's not my hitler sweet, then who it is.....
I found to see Harish behind that girl....
"Hello, I think u must be Harish" I asked
And Harish replied, "Yes Iam,and You"

"Iam Ramanathan, your sisters fiance",
Harish face bloomed with a smile,
"Sorry, Machan. I haven't saw your photo, so couldn't identify you. Come in."
Still holding Shreesha in his hands, he invited me in,

My eyes landed on the hands of Harish holding Shreesha, and seeing this Shreesha tried to move from him, no use, he holded little tight, How sweet they are....
The love they have for each other is shining in their eyes....

It's fun time....
Harish introduced her to me
"And this is Shreesha,"

I asked with a smirk"Your sister?,"
As soon as I asked this,
Both nearly shouted "Noooo", 
Hearing them I laughed inwards and said"Ok ok, so she is MY Sister",

Shreesha's cheeks became red, and Harish gave a shy nod....

"I came to get the list of food arranged for engagement night," as I told its their fun time....

"You would have sent someone, why the groom himself came??!!" Harish pulled my legs

"Accepted yar! Also came to visit your sister " I accepted as time is flying my urge to see her is raising more

"Angel, u show ur brother, where Yazhini is, I will get the list from Lokesh Anna" Harish left me with her..... I really have a doubt now....

"Ok, I will," Shreesha said....
And guided me to Yazhini room as if I don't know...

Just for clearing y doubts I asked, " your name is angel or Shreesha"

Shreesha gave a small laugh, "name is Shreesha, but only he calls me Angel"

in a teasing tone I  said, "then you are his Angel"

Ignoring my statement, she showed a door,
"Leave that, here is Your angels room"

How sweet this family is, should know whats between Harish and this girl...
When I opened the door, I found no one in the room, 
Before I realise something, I felt to be pulled behind the doors....

Fortunately, she held my hands tightly and so I was stopped from doing something wrong...

What happened to her suddenly, 
When I tried to ask her something, she kept her silencing finger in my lips making me silent but my heart beat more loud.....

She is searching something behind me so seriously, but who cares those....
She is holding me tight and closer over her completely, her finger is still on lips tempting me to eat that now....

Yazhini P.O.V.

I felt someone is watching me from the window, I just moved behind the door to know who it is. 
I heard Ram's voice, acho He came ah...
I just pulled him also behind the doors and again started see the windows, 
He tried to speak something, I silenced him and continued my workkk....

I think that is nothing but my imagination, 
What this man is doing, No sound or something...

Oh no, really he is looking at me like a famous tamil phrase " pattikattan panjumittai ah patha Mari..."

thinking the phrase I myself laughed and that made him come out of his la la land....
He kissed my finger on lips, as I missed to take that...
I tried to escape from him, Thats the moment for him....

I think, he is having this habit of taking me more tight into him whenever I try to escape from him. His force of attraction becomes more, when I move aside...
Before I could think what type of attractive force it is, he pushed me to the near wall....
His first kiss on my neck, made me forget all the chemistry equation I was trying to remember last minute....

I palmed his mouth with my fist, to stop his kisses which is driving me away from the chemistry equation....
"It's really hard to resist you, Just wish to eat you raw this minute", he said composing himself....

My face became like a real raw tomato, I bowed down the head hiding my face from him....

He lifted me in his arms and made me sit on the bed, then he moved to drink some water from the bottle kept on the table... 

Ram P.O.V.

After having that one full bottle of water, I came to normal. I found the system from her fathers room in her room now. May be using this only she is accessing Facebook....
"Hey, when you opened the facebook account ?"

"What?, Me and Social media never goes in a same side ..."

"Hey don't need of hiding things from me"....I asked in a serious tone....

"Stupid, what is the need for me to hide my Facebook account from you"
She again gave a confident answer....
The moment I realized, what she is telling the truth is the moment I also realized its the one which is disturbing me from morning......

Without even bidding bye to her, I started to run towards my car....

Thank you for reading my words dear reader...

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