2#Why not??

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She is not just a person who carries u for 10 months and care u for life time.....
She is the one who knows what u need and even when u need that......"

But u know sometimes our age will always rebel against her Elder words.......

Same happened few minutes before.....
I literally shouted at her when she said, "she is planning to get me married in this year....."

"How can she just destruct my dreams.....
How can she decide my life....
How can she even understand my young mind....
How can she......????"
Tears started flowing interrupting those stupid thoughts.....

Closing my eyes tight, not only to shut those tears, also to stop the thoughts arising just because of the situation forgetting the reality......

Mom is not like those usual mother's.....
How can she destroy the dream of her daughter which she herself helped to build....
How can she spoil the life of her daughter which she pampered always....
How can she avoid the younger mind of mine which she too crossed in her life.......
How can I be a stupid and shout at her......
Ma I am sorry.....
Next second of realisation, without even thinking twice I ran to her room......
Next second of knock, dad opened the door and gave me a smile saying that,
"he expected this from me"

Entering in, seeing my mom sitting there with tiered look,
All my guiltiness started to tighten my nerves.....
I hugged her tight.....
Crying aloud.......
She supported me and sat there silent......
I was not in a mood to talk or clarify my understanding....
I just wanna cry my guilt out....

Nearly 15 minutes of tears,..
Silence occupied the whole room........


Before I start my sorry....

She stopped me in middle...

"I understand dear,"

"How can you ma...??" My eyes again refilled with fresh tears....

"Because I am your mother..." Her answers made me feel like Iam the luckiest daughter in the whole world.....

"We are not like other usual parents, to marry you because of society or to full fill our duty....
Even not because of Ur horoscope or random fortune teller.......
We wish to make Ur future safe and healthy....."

"Ma, I am ready for this marriage....
But why do you think that I will not be safe and healthy with u people"
Yes I couldn't accept that someone will take care of me more than my family........

She gave me a smile, appreciating
my decision.....And still my wish to question on what I don't accept....

"What's your age now dear??"

"21 ma....."why she ask this question suddenly.....

"Do u remember in all my women related speeches I used to say,
Marriage age of women should be within 20 to 25 yrs...."

I nodded my head as I remembered her speeches.....

"You know why?"

"No ma, I have never took that topic serious......"

"But I was serious in that point,
U know why our grandmother's​ were healthy even after their 80 yrs...."

Now I love this topic, research topics,
"Don't know ma,"

"Very simple they had their first child in 18 yrs and last child within 24"


"Yes dr, giving birth to a child is not easy....
Highest decibel of pain is labour pain.....
Our health should support us to regain our old self after that much pain.....
But when a girl gets child at 28 or above,she will suffer for her whole life......"

"So, that's the reason why women falls weak on their 40 itself....." I gave my point.....

She nodded her head, caressing my hair.....

"Health is ok, but safety????" My mind triggered my mouth....

"At the age of 24 to 30 u feel everything is temporary and you will face the bitter truth of ur society ...
In a hand of the person who u feel as soul Partner, u will feel confident.....
And having a family will give u a strength to solve the rising issues......"

"She is having a perfect point....."my mind applauded my mom's point of view....

"Thanks ma,..." I hugged her....

Her phone ringed....
I think it's alarm....

"I will bring u fruits and milk,
Now u move to Ur room.....".....

Drinking milk the I leaned on my window side........
I felt someone is watching me,
Chaaa, It's my stupid intuition from childhood that someone is watching me, but while I look around nobody will be there....

Watching my favourite Neem tree leaves dancing in the breeze, I just got to realise something.....

Something gonna get changed, very soon......

Rembering my dad's word....

From very small age, I was facing many change in my life.....
Every change gave Something beautiful , may be even this gonna give something wonderful.....

Arranged Marriage?????
Why not!!!!!

Yazhini Sundaram

So, she accepted.....What next!!! Why not?? Why not in next one hr, let's know the introduction of hero.....
Next update in next one or more hrs....
Week end yar got time......

Stay connected


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