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The raindrops were slowly hitting against the strong glass. Dark clouds were floating above the city. The streets of London were colored with the countless colors of the umbrellas. People are always running. Some of them were running back home, to hide from the wet and cold weather in their little places, while for the others the day was just starting. Careless drivers were adding even more water to the sidewalks, as the cars were following their own paths.

John's hand found the light switch on the concrete wall, and the darkness was taken over by the light in the man's bedroom. The bed creaked under the weight of the man, as his body lowered onto the edge of it. Finally feeling the softness of a mattress under his body, the captain held a brunette closer to him as her lips were leaving countless kisses on the man's lips. Amelia was leaving small bites on the lower lip of the man, as his strong hands were running on her ass.

"Need you inside, captain," the self-control of a woman was escaping out of the room with every single touch of Price's hands on her body. Feeling not fully satisfied after the closure with the man in the kitchen, her body wanted more.

"What about your patience, princess?" A smirk appeared on John's face. Despite the noticeable stretch in his pants, the captain was on good terms with his control. Some part of him enjoyed seeing the mess Amelia was in his hands, but he wasn't planning on torturing her forever.

Knight didn't reply to the man, but instead let her hands lower from the man's shoulders down to his torso. Her fingertips were exploring the strong chest of the captain, unlike the nights at the base, a brunette could let herself explore more of the captain. His blue eyes darkened with lust when Amelia innocently moved her hips on his groin. The temperature in the room was getting hotter. John's heavy breath was burning the soft skin on her neck, as the captain was leaving rough kisses on Amelia's skin. Quiet moans were escaping out of a brunette's lips, letting her hand run through the short hair of the man it seemed as if a woman wanted to keep him even closer, making the distance between the two non-existent.

A white fabric of Knight's shirt fell down on the floor, just to be joined by her bra a moment later. John decided to take the situation under his control, the body of the officer fell into the warm hug of the mattress as the captain was towering over her. His wet marks were running from the collarbone of the woman down her body. Both knew that the pale skin on Amelia's body would still keep the captain's marks. Her chest was rising up and down in the unsteady rhythm of a brunette's breath. Price was taking his time, wishing to give them both the most pleasure that night as if tomorrow's day would never come. His fingertips were running on the hard nipples of the woman, playing with the sensitive buds in his hands. The bedroom of the man was getting filled with Amelia's moans, as the last drop of self-control escaped her body.

"Love to hear your pretty sounds, dove," John raised his eyes up at a woman, noticing the bright blush of pink coloring her cheeks. Control was always a part of him. Ever since earning the rank of captain, control became a part of him. Even now, in the walls of his bedroom, he was the one in control of his and a woman's pleasure. But, even the captain couldn't wait all night.

The captain stood up from the bed, opening one button after another on his crispy ironed shirt. Rolled sleeves were giving Amelia a look at his strong hands that were carrying the weapons every day out in the battle. His shirt joined hers on the floor, opening the scars on his body for a woman to see. Price's body was naked, but he never wore his heart on the sleeves. It was always easier for the captain to bury every single feeling from happiness to worry inside his soul and put on the military jacket. Even if the clothes were not covering his body anymore, his wounds could tell about the experience of the man, but his eyes never told what his soul wanted to scream about on a sleepless night.

Don't fear the reaper - Captain John PriceWhere stories live. Discover now