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The clouds were floating low above the ground as another day passed by. Winter was nearing to its end but the cold days seemed endless. Sometimes the warmth would greet the people for longer. Right until the coldness wouldn't take the cities back into its freezing arms. Maybe, the weather itself was fighting with the demons. Losing the battle on the harshest days, and winning when the sun would shine brighter than any other day.

The base was quiet. It was the usual quietness of the evening that did not feel like the calm before the storm. Suddenly, Hereford felt like a safehouse, as the team waited for the command to leave into the harsh world. Bricked walls were keeping the warmth inside, hiding the SAS members behind it in safety. But what safety really was? Just an illusion, before the danger comes closer.

"I will have the report ready tomorrow, Laswell. Out. " Price's voice was the only noise disturbing the silence in the long corridor. The pair of heavy footsteps echoed through the base when the heavy combat boots of the two were getting closer and shortening the distance between the two.

"John," Amelia almost whispered, as her eyes met the gaze of the blue on the other side of the corridor. She didn't expect to see him back so soon. A thousand thoughts were running through her head, from another failed mission to a quick success. But after losing Johnny, the outcome of the mission didn't really matter, as long as all of them were alive.

"Hi, love," The soft smile sat on the edges of the captain's lips. The tiredness was written all over John's face, but his legs were taking him back into the dark office away from the curious eyes that could see them in the corridor.

Even in the darkness of the evening, Price's rough hands found her waist, as the brunette's cold hands were wrapped around his strong shoulders. John always felt as if he was responsible for holding the weight of the world on his own shoulders, but rarely he did feel the warmth of being needed. Not in the way he was needed by his country to provide the service, but by another person. Amelia's nose was slightly tickling his neck with her unsteady breath, as the short hairs of the man's beard were leaving small marks over her porcelain skin.

"You're back," A soft whisper escaped from Knight's lips and broke the silence in the room. The silence was so comforting, and maybe needed by the two of them.

"Couldn't leave you and the boys for so long in here, love," He chuckled, finally letting go of a brunette and turning on the light in the room. The office of the captain always looked the same at any time of the day or any season. Yet there was something that changed in the air that night. The gaze of Price's eyes softened, as his face looked more relaxed when the desk chair hugged his body into it.

"How did it go?" Amelia found herself sitting on the Price's lap, as his hand was traveling up and down her back, bringing comfort back into her body. Her head rested on his shoulder as if there was no one else in the whole world except them. The illusion of safety of his own office mixed with the warm feeling of reunion. Maybe, the two didn't even notice when the presence of each other in the cold days of the winter made such a difference in their everyday life.

"Two on the list now, dove," The click of the lighter echoed in the room as the soft voice of the captain traveled in silence. Something was soothing about that evening. The cigar in his hand was giving John a clearance of mind, as it left the taste on his lips. Some part of him finally accepted the softness the brunette's presence was bringing to him.

John Price was a captain, a fighter, an enemy for some, a friend for others, but never a lover. The man would never let himself put the person he loved into the danger his work could bring into his life. Lonely days and nights brought out of the darkness the toughest version of him, as the blood of his enemies stained his uniform. Life is too fast, even John didn't notice how his early 40s were waiting for him around the corner. The endless marathon turned into a usual lifestyle, as the rare days in between the missions turned into a few pints of his favorite beer and the faces he wouldn't even remember in a week. But something changed.

People don't change once they're out of the dippers and run into the big world. No, people change, but only for the worse. And John knew, that even if he was changing, it wasn't his worse side looking back at him in the reflection of the mirror. Maybe, after getting the names of his enemies crossed out of the list, he could slow down and try to enjoy the days of life. Of normal stability that is unknown to him. Thoughts were running around his head until the cigar that started burning his skin didn't bring the captain back into the room and out of his mind.

"Good," The gaze of brow eyes traveled along the tired face of the man. She tried to understand if there was any injury a woman would have to heal later. But not even a scratch was seen on Price's skin that was out in the open. Maybe indeed, Shepherd was the easiest target on the list. "And good you're back alive."

"You're not getting rid of me easily, Lia," John placed the burned cigar in the ashtray, as his thumb caressed the cheek of a brunette, fixing the messy dark hair behind her ear. Soft laughter of the captain echoed in the concrete walls of the office, as the two were looking into each other's eyes.

"As if I ever wanted to, John," A smile appeared on the woman's face, as she moved on the man's lap, just to find a comfortable position. Her hand was sitting on his shoulder, as the words were escaping out of her lips. "I love you so fucking much, Price."

And maybe, the captain was almost ready to say out loud the words that were on his mind. Price was a strong man of a mountain, but there was an unexplored and unknown softness in his heart to the people who were dear and near to him. The silence between them was louder than any vowes the lovers could give at an altar, as John's lips found hers in the darkness of the evening. The night was cold and rare stars would shine on the night sky. But the dim light of the lamp in the corner of the captain's office was shinning over the warmth of the two loving hearts in the cruelness of their world.

Can't stop thinking about Price in the English countryside. Away from everything, ahhh. Happy Friday everyone, have a great weekend!

Don't fear the reaper - Captain John PriceWhere stories live. Discover now