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The sun was setting down over the Herefordshire. The dark blue sky was peaking through the cotton candy clouds that were painted over in soft pink. The sunset splashed the colors all over the sky, letting the horizon light up with the bright orange. The sunsets, just like every single human being were unique every single time. Some are brighter, others are more dull or even left unnoticed by always rushing somewhere humans. But, none of them were the same. Each new day would create a unique painting on the canvas of the blue sky.

Endless green fields and hills surrounded the two-story house in the middle of nowhere. Bird's songs were echoing from every corner of no man's land. The wind was getting warmer as the spring seemed to finally arrive in town. Peaks of the trees were still naked, as the first buds appeared on the skinny gray sticks. Nature was waking up after a long sleep. Sunbeams knocked on the windows of the house, trying to get inside the rooms full of boxes. The open windows were letting the fresh air into the building, taking out the stiff air collected over the winter by the old residents of the house. A few planters found their place on the balcony in between the small table and two chairs. An empty glass of wine stood on the surface of the table, as the gaze of Amelia's brown eyes was learning the landscape around the house. Closing her eyes for a moment, a woman listened to the sounds of nature as the soft wind was playing with her hair. 

"Fresh out of the fridge, just for you, love" Price appeared in the doorframe of the balcony with the bottle of red wine in his hands. The glass of beer was waiting for a captain next to the wine glass. The drops on the cold glass surface were running down to the wooden surface of the table as if finishing a marathon no one knew about.

"Thank you, John," Taking the glass out of the man's hands, a soft smile was painted over Knight's face. Her lips met with John's cheek, leaving the hint of her tinted balm on his skin.

"So peaceful and quiet here," The captain's body rested comfortably on the second chair, as the pint of beer finally found the man. A cold pint of beer by the end of a tiring day was the best medicine. The cardboard boxes were in every room of the house, and it seemed as if it would take a couple at least another month to find places for all the little things that were hiding inside of them.

"We all deserve some peace, and rest after all the missions, darling," Amelia rested her legs on the wooden railing as the red liquid disappeared in the woman's lips. The countryside was peaceful. It felt as if the two found the right place to escape from the missions, the war on the battlefield, and inside of their minds. Everyone needed a break, even Captain John Price. Makarov was dead. Konni Group was no longer a threat. There were enough things to worry about in the large world we live in, but the world was quiet. At least for now. 

"That's right, love," A smile appeared on the edges of the captain's lips, as his gaze shifted from the view out of the balcony to a brunette sitting next to him. Price invitingly patted his lap, making their eyes meet in eye contact. "C'mere, we aren't at the base anymore, forget about the distance, Lia.

"John?" A brunette left the warmth of her chair for the most comfortable seat in town on Price's lap. His hands were wrapped around her waist, as the man's lips were catching the taste of wine on the woman's cherry red lips in the rays of the sunset.

"What's on your mind, my love?" The glass of wine found its place next to a pint of beer. According to physics, opposite attracts, and the two could prove the theory on their own example. John wound himself looking into the woman's eyes as if trying to understand what was bothering her deep inside.

"Now with Makarov being finally dead, promise you won't assign me to some dusty office," A soft giggle echoed in the silence of nature. Alcohol was taking out Knight's thoughts into the air for Price to hear. The short hair of the captain was kissed by the wind, as the bucket hat was hiding on the base away from the man.

"Would you settle for it, dove?" John's hands were sitting on Amelia's tights, as the captain wasn't letting the eye contact between the two break off. They both knew the answer to this question, but Price needed to hear it with his own ears.

"Never," Knight winked at the man who took the largest place in her heart, as the empty glass touched the surface of the cold wood. Her hand squeezed through the short hair of the captain, as the woman held herself closer to his body.

"Just what I expected to hear from you," A man took another sip of the drink, feeling as if the weight of the world finally shifted off his shoulders. The mission was over, and Makarov was buried six feet under. It was the best time for Price to catch his break before the duty would take him to the other side of the Earth yet again.

The nearest neighbors were kilometers away from the house. The sun's rays were running over the bodies of the two lovers on the balcony with nothing but silence and nature surrounding them. John's lips were leaving soft kisses over Amelia's neck, as the woman's hands were rubbing his strong shoulders. Everyone needs a moment of peace once in a while. Price was used to war from a young age, but as years went by, a part of him wanted to experience peace. To run away somewhere far from all the other people, but close enough to the base in case his job needs him. Duty usually calls at the most unexpected time.

"Hope kids won't take your excessive stubbornness one day, Lia," The captain whispered as if the words that were flying out of his lips were never meant to reach a woman's ears. John found the questioning gaze of Amelia's eyes on his face, as the man's hands were wrapped around her body.

Price and Gaz shared a father and son alike bond throughout the years of duty. Kyle's death was hard for the captain to accept, and then mourn over, John felt as if he lost a teammate, a son, and a friend in one moment. Sleepless nights in his own company in the walls of the office made the man think about kids. The thoughts Price would always escape from, or brush off to better times. And if he would ever be called 'dad' by the little humans running around the large house, John would do everything possible to keep them away from the darkness and cruelty of the surrounding world.

"Never heard you talking about the future before, captain," Amelia felt her heart skip a bit when she realized that Price wasn't joking. For the first time, she heard him talk about the future and it wasn't about the mission, report, or training. A brunette was lost in the deep eyes of the captain, as the thoughts were spinning around in her head, creating a mixture of emotions and leaving a woman wondering what happened to the most stubborn man she ever met.

"Because I was too caught up with burying and dealing with my past, love," John watched the sun disappear in the green hills of his homeland. His childhood wasn't a dream, but not a nightmare. The captain was never close with his family after joining the military, focusing on keeping the world clean for years. However, the man's roots seemed to call for him as his early 40s slowly were approaching.

And maybe just for once, Price could choose to let himself choose peace over everything in the world. The taste of a completely different life was intriguing to John, and in between the mission, catching the enemies, and fighting his own demons, the captain decided to take a bite of it. Little by little, mixing the present he knew everything about, with the unknown future.  After all, it's always worth trying than missing out, right?

Soft Price in the countryside is my weakness. Happy Monday everyone, have a great week rays of sunshine!!

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