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The lightning touched the ground somewhere far away from the base, letting its light travel everywhere it could reach too. Heavy raindrops were knocking on the windows of the office as if the storm wanted to take a seat at the table and discuss the future mission. The bright light entered the room for a split moment, before finding the exit door.

Laswell took over the largest office she could find vacant at the base. On both sides of the room, teams Bravo and Alpha found their places at the large table. Douzen of curious, yet calm eyes were watching the white projector ready to see anything in front of their eyes what Makarov made the next mission. Price's fingers were tapping in a rhythm known only to him. The captain was one of the few who knew the exact country and even the city where Vladimir put his pin on the map next. John couldn't help but think about the new box of cigars that was hiding in the drawer of his desk, as the briefing seemed to last too long already.

"We have the reliable intel on Makarov's next attack. Last year Konni extracted chemical weapons from Urzikstan," Laswell stood in the light of the projector as the white wall behind her had nothing but a couple of cracks. The map of the world caught everyone's eyes, keeping the soldiers wondering where the mission would take them next.

"Highly concentrated sarin," Ghost's voice echoed in the silence of the room. The majority of the soldiers in both teams were introduced to sarin before. Everyone had to know about the possible fatal conclusion the mission could bring them.

"Enough to kill a whole country," Gaz looked at the projection of the possible spread of the gas. The green cloud took the capital first, and then depending on the direction of the wind there were a few possible scenarios. It could be one of the deadliest attacks ever not only in England but in the whole world.

"We have the intel on Konni's activity in London," The heart of the city was in front of the dousen eyes. London always has been one of the busiest cities in the world. With warmer days coming closer with each passing hour, the tourists would take over the streets of the city just like every single year. Thousand hundreds of casualties and dead if everything goes according to Makarov's plan. "They want to release the gas in the heart of the city. Waterloo Train station."

"Kill the passengers first, plant the panic, and then contaminate the whole city," Gaz let his thoughts fly out into the air. The man's memories were taking him back to the days of the Piccadilly attack. Sergeant looked at Price, wondering if the moments of the attack were haunting the captain just like it did with him. Dead civilians, shooters coming from every corner, and burning cars. Sometimes, Kyle could feel a burning smell following him no matter where he went to.

"Exactly, if we don't stop them," Kate's voice and facial expression were cold. Laswell was well-known to the patients, but even she was getting on the edge of contestant wait. It seemed as if no matter how well all their plans were plotted, Makarov was always one step ahead of them. But, it is impossible to always be the first in the race. Even the war criminals like Vladimir had their own ending sooner or later.

"When?" Price had enough of details on the mission. The captain could get the briefing done even on the plane to London if needed. The impatience was drawn over the man's face, as his jaw clenched in tension.

"Any time now. We need the positive ID on Makarov. As soon as we get it, both teams move to London immediately,"  It seemed as if Laswell was waiting for this question. Years of working shoulder-to-shoulder with Price taught her what to expect from the man. Kate knew he would complain about the time it took to prepare for the mission, but it wouldn't matter later if Makarov ended up six feet underground as the result of the mission. "Good luck everyone,"

The laptop closed under the force of the woman's hand. The white wall wasn't catching the colors of the map anymore, as the light came back into the room. Hum of the voices of both teams got mixed with the echoes of steps as one after another the soldiers were leaving the room to continue their day. Laswell disappeared from the office with the phone in her hand faster, than Price even thought about asking her more on the mission.

"You still have time to say no, love," John caught Amelia's hand for a split moment, as the brunette was ready to leave the room herself. The deep blue eyes found the warmth of brown in eye contact.

"Are you talking about the mission John, or the ring?" Knight couldn't help but whisper, keeping other people away from their business and the conversation. A hint of a smile sat on the edges of the lips of a woman, as the tiredness took over her face by the end of the cold day.

"You'll be the death of me one day, Lia," Price exhaled loud enough to get the attention of some people around them, but not for too long. Even if the two caught a stare or two, the eyes of the strangers did not stay on a couple for enough time to raise some questions in the air.

"No, captain. You won't get rid of me that easily," The sound of the pen falling onto the floor was left unnoticed by the other people in the office, as Amelia lowered to take it from the side where Price was. Her words were meant for his ears only, the same as the vows, words of love, and the moans that were the result of his actions.

"Do you want us to leave so you can keep your family affair private?" Kyle looked at Ghost before the pair of eyes shifted at the two. The soft laughter of the team traveled through the room.

The rain no longer knocked on the window of the room. Every single person at the base was ready for whatever the future was keeping in secret. And even that wintery evening, the team couldn't think of anything the mission could bring. The determination was written all over the men's faces, while the only thing on Amelia's mind was revenge.

There was no possible outcome for the four of them to let Makarov escape and not pay the price for Johnny's death. It was either him buried deep in the grave after the mission or the Task Force.

Don't fear the reaper - Captain John PriceWhere stories live. Discover now