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The coldest days were playing with people running from the cold wind. One day was passing after another, bringing the temperature lower and lower, making everyone stay indoors as much as they could. It seemed as if the weather was mad, throwing the lightning to the ground, and on the next day covering the heels in a white blanket of snow. Watching the weather change in a moment was amusing from the warmth of the buildings, but not as one of the characters of the play outside in the wild.

A soft breath of excaustion escaped out of the brunette's lips, as she entered into the empty shower room. The cold winter didn't touch the room, letting the humid warm air kiss her porcelain skin with the warmth. Emotional exhaustion is always harder to handle than physical, and Amelia knew that a long hot shower would help her better than the best bottle of wine after a long day of training outside. The base was quiet in the middle of the night. The majority of the soldiers were asleep, giving a woman an opportunity to escape into the shower room and enjoy her company.

"Aren't you supposed to be asleep in your bed, love?" Price's voice echoed in the silence of the shower room. Sleepless nights were keeping the captain awake, as the days were finally on the count for the next mission. John was standing in the doorframe, leaning against the wet from humidity wall, as his deep blue eyes were running along the well-known silhouette of a woman. "What a view."

"John.." Amelia turned around, just to let their eyes meet in eye contact for a moment. A smile appeared on her face, as the distance between the two was getting shorter with each passing second and steps of their legs.

"Hello, dove," The man was keeping eye contact between them, wondering for a moment what was attracting her so bad to him, just like a moth to a flame. John felt the cold hands wrapping around his waist, as the brunette's nose touched the skin of his neck. Price found himself confused just for a moment, before keeping a woman tight in his arms. Maybe, all we need at the end of the day is the warmth of the human connection. His large hands were running down her back as if calming Amelia down, while the rough lips of the captain left a quick kiss at the top of her head.

"And why aren't you sleeping, captain?" A soft smile was sitting on Knight's face, as she raised her eyes up at the man who was more complicated than half of our damnned world, but the one who was living deep inside of her mind and her heart.

But, instead of giving the response to a brunette about the nightmares that were keeping him awake, or the thoughts that we constantly going through the man's head, Price looked down into the pair of brown eyes looking at him. It seemed as if they established a special connection, letting their eyes talk better than the words could ever. A brunette softly gasped, as the captain covered her cherry red lips with his in a slow, yet full of emotions kiss. Her hands were slowly traveling up his torso, to finally stay on the man's strong shoulders that were carrying the weight of the whole world, but not the burden of his own life. John was slowly, almost carefully deepening the kiss, letting their tongues dance in their own rhythm to the music no one else could hear except for the two. The captain wasn't worrying about someone walking in, knowing quite well that the shower room was the quietest place in the middle of the night at the base. Unwantingly, the captain broke the kiss, just to make a brunette wrap her legs around his torso, keeping Amelia back in his arms. There was an unusual feeling of calmness inside of his body in the presence of the woman. Price was a military veteran, a captain who was sent to the most dangerous missions ever imaginable, yet the calmness into his mind was bringing not the possibility of the next mission, but another person. The body of an officer landed on a cold surface of the sink row, while her hands were still on the captain's shoulders.

"Had other plans for the night, love?" John whispered into the brunette's lips, letting his hands travel down to the woman's waist. His eyes were keeping eye contact between them, as the man's hands were running up and down Amelia's tights, making a woman spread her legs wider for him.

Don't fear the reaper - Captain John PriceWhere stories live. Discover now