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The days were becoming longer as the winter was ready to say its final goodbye and let the warmer days take over the cities, towns, and villages. Blue sky was covered in the cotton candy gray clouds, that were whispering to the people about the rain ready to fall onto the cold ground anytime throughout the evening. Tall peaks of the trees were bending under the power of the strong wind as the people were hiding inside the buildings far away from the moody nature. Nothing can be compared to the feeling of safety the walls of a warm home can give even on the darkest and coldest days.

The training facility seemed to be more crowded than on any other day. Alpha and Bravo teams were getting ready to leave the base at any moment. Makarov was quiet, Konni's were nowhere to be seen on the peaceful streets of England's capital, while soldiers had nothing else to do but to prepare themselves for the mission and wait. Physical strength had always been an easy skill to gain through endless training, but patience was one of the hardest.

The wave of excitement passed through Amelia's head as she walked along the long corridor of the facility. It was the first day of training for a brunette since she was back at the base. Knight was ready for the sore pain to come back into her body on the morning of the next day. The shots of the weapons were echoing from one corner of the large facility, on the other side of the room, the soldiers were sparring to prove to one another who had better skills, while others were working their muscles. Everyone seemed to have their own task to do. The gaze of the brown eyes traveled through the room as if she were trying to find her own place in the niche. From time to time Amelia couldn't help but feel as if she never fitted into the team, any room she was in at the base, or even the military itself. A brunette was surrounded by the best of the best, while she knew quite well that her skills were never exceptional but nothing more than average.

"Welcome back, Mel, Ready to remind yourself how to shoot?" Garrick's voice brought a woman back into the room from her thoughts, and a friendly smile appeared on the sergeant's face when he noticed the silhouette of his teammate at the entry door. 

"Thank you, Gaz. Always!" Amelia brushed away all the thoughts that were not doing her any good, letting a hint of a smile sit on the edges of her lips. Taking a deep breath in, a brunette was finally ready to fight with her own demons and prove to no one else, but to her own self that there was a reason why she was in the room with all these people.

The targets were moving from one wall to another as if they were trying to escape the unescapable fate all the targets eventually had to face. Shoots were echoing in the room. Knight watched the men with the weapons in their hands, patiently waiting for her turn. Eventually, the cold metal of a rifle kissed her shoulder, as she saw nothing but the metal moving targets in front of her. Bullets were flying out of the weapon, the shells fell on the concrete floor just to be forgotten about in a matter of minutes.

"Fucking hell," Officer cursed to herself, seeing how none of the bullets hit the target. The was a drop of disappointment added to the mixture of emotions a woman was going through, but nothing was telling about it on her face to the other people in the facility.

"You're not focused," Kyle looked at the targets before letting their eyes meet in eye contact for a split moment. Garrick knew that coming back to the training after a long time was one of the worst feelings. As if the weak, rested from any training body becomes your own enemy.

"Focus on the targets and the weapon, nothing else, officer," Simon's deep voice seemed to appear out of nowhere. The sharp blade of a knife was playing with the artificial light in the room as the lieutenant was polishing the knife, making sure his collection was battle-ready at any time.

"Thank you, Ghost," Amelia turned to the side where the man's voice was coming from. The look of his eyes was emotionless as usual, as the balaclava was covering Simon's face and keeping his real identity hidden from everyone in the facility.

Don't fear the reaper - Captain John PriceWhere stories live. Discover now