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Heavy clouds were floating over the city. Carefree people were running from one street to another, chasing their plans that were unknown to others who were passing along the streets. Millions of eyes were meeting in eye contact to never meet each other again. Millions of lost souls, running somewhere but never arriving anywhere.

Finally, the intel was getting them closer to Makarov. Price could feel the adrenaline rising in his body, flowing in the veins and mixing with the blood cells. The man wanted to end his mission which had been going on for way too long. The marathon can not last forever, and one of them had to reach the finish line first. But the captain was never the type of the man to finish the last, or even second. Countless bodies were left behind, as the building was finally quiet. The last bullet sleeve fell down on the floor, echoing in the room full of silence. Whispering voices were running from one ear to another through the headset, as the laptop with the lid open ajar was waiting for them on the rough surface of the plastic tables. John's gloved fingers were running along the keyboard, as the satisfaction was building up inside of his head. But, it was just the beginning.

"Whatever was on it uploaded into the station's train network," Price's blue eyes were running along the lines of information of the code. Maps of the train network appeared on the screen, bringing their worst thoughts into reality.

"Konni have control of the trains," Kyle's voice was heard from the other side, as he knew quite well what it could mean. Konni did not get control of one of the busiest train systems in the world just to take a ride on a fast train.

"There's more," Laswell took a pause, as the picture from the camera appeared on the screen. One of the most recognizable faces in the whole world was caught by one of the London cameras. "Face recognition caught this. They boarded 10 minutes ago."

"Makarov," The captain's voice was unemotional, while the anger was slowly building up inside of him. They could already be late chasing one of the ends of the rope. Thousands of people and possible hostages were in danger, and whatever plan Makarov had for that evening, 141 were planning to change it.

The dark corridors of the service tunnel seemed endlessly dark. Kilometers of cords were like veins in the body, giving life to the trains that were taking the passengers from one place to another throughout the day. The passengers didn't know yet that they were playing their own roles in somebody else's play. The brakes noisily stopped with the car in the middle of the tunnel, when the first SFO soldiers finally appeared in the eyesight of the captain.

"Lia, I need you for a moment," The captain waited for everyone to leave the car before a brunette joined the team in front of the large door leading deeper into the tunnels. He trusted her enough with his own fate, but Price wasn't in the position to decide hers.

"Yes, captain," She took a deep breath, feeling the vibration from the last train that was running along the large tunnels. The woman's heart was ready to jump out of her chest from the excitement of the first mission mixed with worry at the same time, but none of these emotions was written over her face.

"You'll stay here with the other team, and wait for my signal if we need the assistance,"  John looked into her brown eyes. Everything about the man was showing how serious and concentrated he was. The last thing he wanted to hear was some questions from a brunette at one of the tensest moments of his life. Makarov could be on the other side of the tunnel waiting for them, and Price wasn't planning on wasting his time on senseless conversations. No matter what feelings were inside of his chest to a woman, they were not in his bedroom now, or at the pub, they both were at the mission and he wasn't asking, but giving an order. "I am not taking you down there. We clear?"

"Crystal clear, Price," Amelia nodded, letting the questions rise up in her head but not to be heard by the walls of the tunnels. Now, she finally understood why it was such a bad thing to mix relationships and work. But, catching Makarov was more important than anything both of them felt that evening.

A brunette took a step back towards the second team who were staying at the entrance to the tunnel in case Konni's reinforcement would come from that side. Her eyes were staying on the captain, while he was not breaking eye contact that was staying between them. Maybe in the other life, they could be happy with each other living in the middle of nowhere. Maybe Amelia made a huge mistake letting herself fall for the toughest man in the room, and maybe Price was falling too, but not admitting it to his own self. The man fixed the beanie on his head that was ready to escape from the short hair of the captain, leaving the officer in what he believed was safety, while her heart was shuttering in a thousand tiny pieces all over the floor.

"I need half of your men with my Lieutenant. The rest of you on me!" Price held the weapon closer to his body, seeing the leader of SFO ready to hear his orders. His boys were surrounding him, knowing how important this mission was to everyone in the room. Deciding to split up, Soap and Price headed to the heavy door into the tunnel. "Six to watcher, we are on the X... Going for Makarov."

"Solid copy. Go get him, John," Laswell's voice echoed in the headset of the captain. She knew if there was a Task Force ready to finish this mission – 141 was the only team out of all the options she had on her desk.

"This bastard won't go down easy," Johnny looked at the captain, feeling the tension building up in the air. The marathon to catch Makarov has been going on for way too long just to end it easily. They all knew that rats like Vladimir would use any opportunity to escape into the tiniest holes in the walls.

"Yeah, neither will we, sunshine, alright. Come on, " Price's large palm landed on the shoulder of the Sergent, as the soft chuckle escaped out of the captain's lips. He was determined to end the race, and finally reach the finish line.

The gloved hands of the man covered the handle of the large bright yellow door leading deeper into the tunnels. Large signs in both, English and French were screaming at the team not to open the door, but none of them cared about the painted letters on the wall when thousands of lives were at risk. The door opened with the noise of the heavy metal, letting the stale cold air out of the tunnel to the service area. Price and Soap stood next to each other, looking into the unknown endless tunnel that was lightened by the artificial white light, knowing nothing about what was waiting for them on the other side, but ready for anything that could wait for them right around the corner.

There was no way back, only forward deeper into the arms of the darkness.

Don't fear the reaper - Captain John PriceWhere stories live. Discover now