Chapter 5: The Decision

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After Chase made his decision, he called everyone to the front door. Ryder and the rest of the pups asked over to Chase and Tristan. He took a deep breath and said what he has to do with the utmost sincerity.

Chase: Guys, my dad asked me if I wanted to go back to Adventure City to help stop a kidnapping spree.

Tristan: And I'm sorry, but . . . the less pups I bring with me, the less that get in danger.

Nano: Why do look so sad? That's great!

Liberty: He's saying he'll be in Adventure City while we're here.

Nano: Oh.

Skye: You can't go!

Rocky: We don't know if you'll come back!

Zuma: Please, dude.

Chase: I'm sorry, guys. But the rest of my family is in Adventure City.

Ryder: How come we didn't notice you guys every time we went to Adventure City?

Tristan: My family lives in a cabin in between a forest and Adventure City. (Thinking) Darn it. I should have stayed in Adventure City to find more German Shepherds. It would have made the search end quicker. (Out loud) So yes, my wife, daughter, and my other two sons are in Adventure City.

Rubble: Wait. Your daughter as in, the pup with spots on the photo?

Chase: Yep. That's my sister. Can't wait to meet her!

Rubble: Can I come?! (Wags his tail)

Everyone except Chase and his dad think Rubble has a crush on Chase's sister, who he never met yet. Everyone smirks.

Rubble: Uh, I mean, I could help. (Nervous) DEFINITELY not because I have a crush on your daughter, Mr. Chase. (Whispers) You said she's single, right?

Tristan: (chuckles) You're a funny one, Rubble. But a fire rescue pup, or an EMT pup would help. I'm sorry, but construction work is not the same as police work.

Marshall: (gasps) Oh! I'm both of those! 

Marshall gets out photos of missions with both him as a fire pup and him as an EMT. And the rescues surprise Tristan just as much as Chase's stories from the last chapter.

Marshall: If you heard I'm clumsy, it's true. But I'm not clumsy at work.

Tristan: Wow. And it seems a lot of these missions have Chase in it.

Chase: When we met, maybe a couple months after Ryder adopted me, that Dalmatian saved me a collapsing house that was on fire. And I was on my way to save him. Since then, we're practically brothers.

Everest: Marshall SAVED Chase?! 

Skye: Yep. I was there that day. Marshall was a hero to a hero.

Tristan: So it's settled. I'm bringing Marshall with me and Chase to Adventure City. Hopefully, we'll be back in a few weeks.

Everyone cheers for their two friends. Chase and Marshall fist bumped and are ready to face the challenges of the adventure that's waiting ahead. Tristan looks at Chase and Marshall and thought "It seems I have a fourth son." He thought that since Chase and Marshall get along very well. Like, brotherly well. Tristan has no doubt they'll catch this Vincent Slate. Hopefully no loves will be lost. 

Amazing! Marshall gets to go with Chase and his father Tristan to Adventure City to help br8ng down a criminal mastermind. Put what you think of the chapter, or story, so far in the comments section below. Peace out, ya'll! (P.S. sorry that it's only almost 560 words. I haven't thought anything more than what you've read in this scene.)

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