Chapter 14: A Case Closed

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Vincent Slate: (ticked) Grr! Rico! Lena! GET THEM!!!!!!!!!!

Rico charges like a bull at Zuma, Liberty, Dolly, Rubble, Tot, and Fluffy. Lena grabs Chase's PupPack that they took away after they knocked him out earlier.

Chase: How come I haven't used that thing at all?

Marshall: You were too busy using super speed.

 Chase: Oh.

Lena uses the PupPack to shoot out a net at Chase, Marshall, Skye, Nano and Everest. But Skye made a giant whirlwind around her friends that spun the net around and caught Lena.

Nano: Oh. That was easy.

Lena Vortex: Let me out of here, you ungrateful mutts!

Chase: (smirking) Wait till you see the upgrade on my PupPack Ryder and Rocky whipped up.

Marshall: What is it?

Chase: Arf! Shock net!

Then the net capturing Lena glows bright in electricity, zapping the not-so-nimble Vortex until she's knocked out cold.

Skye: Whoa. Rocky and Ryder BETTER be on Technology Monthly.

Marshall: Speaking of which, where are they? And Tristan? Patchy? Mini?

Liberty: (trying to restrain Rico) Uh, A LITTLE HELP, PLEASE?!?!

The five pups raced over to Liberty's team who are struggling with landing a hit or restraining Rico Swift. Rubble uses his wrecking ball ability to charge at the big guy, but Rico grabbed him and threw him like a bowling ball, hitting the incoming team of Chase, Skye, Nano, Marshall and Everest like bowling pins. Everest uses her ice breath to make a snow pile for them to land on. Everyone's safe.

Everest: Is everyone okay?

Marshall: If you're talking about other than Rubble wrecking my ribs, then yeah. I'm fantastic!

Chase: Uhh Marshall?

Skye: I think she meant when Rubble hit us.

Rubble: Sorry.

Marshall: Oh. In that case, (makes the exact screaming noise in the video below) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, Ryder, Rocky, Mini, Tristan and Patchy didn't see Vincent near the cages holding Sammy and Sgt. Harris. So they ran over to them and started to set them free. Ryder and Rocky pick the locks while Tristan, Patchy and Mini stand guard.

Tristan: Hold on, Sammy. We're gonna get you out.

Sammy: (out of the cage thanks to Ryder and Rocky) But what about Chase? Dolly? And Fluffy?

Patchy: Trust us. They're in good hands.

Sgt. Harris: (out of the cage as well) Are you sure? Because it seems they are struggling to knock Rico out.

And he was right! Marshall threw fireballs and boosted their speed and distance with his heat waves, sending them straight to Swift. But despite his huge image, he dodged each one of them! Everest used her ice breath but Rico puts his arm out and it only got his arm. He then used his icy arm like a club reminiscent to El Macho in Despicable Me 2 when he got huge and Gru used his freeze ray. Tot and Nano multiplied Rubble and Liberty. The Liberty's stretch out and wrap around the muscular meanie. Then Rico tries to free himself from the grip of Liberty's multiplied clones. Then all the Rubble's joined together and all rolled into a singular makeshift ball and start rolling at Rico. Then the Liberty's move and Nano uses his powers to make sure there is only one Liberty left. Then the Rubble Ball hits Rico Swift, sending him landing on a box that was hiding Vincent. 

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